Still Here!

Hey kids. Sorry so long no post. We're in Nashville and we've been having such a great time I just haven't gotten around to posting like I thought I would. We've taken a lot of photos though … and hopefully I can post sometime tomorrow after we get home.

Curly Q

Look at my hair!! It's always had a moderate amount of wave to it, but ever since I had Tabby (and even towards the end of pregnancy), my hair has been super curly. I got it cut yesterday and if anything, that just encouraged the curl even more. So weird. Is this a hormone thing? Has it happened to anyone else?? I can't say I mind it too much … it used to be just a bit wavy that didn't look very good, so I had to blow dry it straight. Now that it does this curl thing when I don't blow dry it, it's saving me time in the mornings. Good timing at least.

Bouncing Around My Head

We have acquired quite a few Munchkin-brand products both as gifts and as items we've purchased and I've been very impressed with them. They seem to make the useful sort of things that “real moms” need. We have a duck that tells us if bathwater is too hot (color-changing HOT on the bottom), a drying rack for bottles, an on-the-go formula dispenser and a diaper bag dispenser. You can find most of their stuff at Target.

Anyone out there been to (or live in) Australia? It's the front-runner for our “big trip” this year and we're trying to figure out cool things to do and how we'd structure our trip. It's such a big country! Continue reading “Bouncing Around My Head”


These are just a few of the things that I might normally blog about, but have not felt motivated to do so …. being occupied by other, cuter things.

Loki, faithful pup, has some of the nastiest doggie breath I've ever smelled. Any positive experiences with the myriad doggie breath aids? Ah well, I still love to snuggle him cuz he's so cute.

There are about 2 sources that I use for 90% of the new recipes that we try. Everyday Food is one of them … so I was delighted to see that they compiled the best of Everyday Food into a cookbook, organized by season with photographs for EVERY recipe. I bought it days ago and have not had time to crack it yet … I will report back. I am hoping that I migh be able to toss some of my back issues of the magazine and free up some cabinet space.

So … a coyote walks into a sandwich shop in downtown Chicago. No. Seriously.

We love our travel system, the Chicco's Cortina Discovery. It's cute and it's really well designed.

We've got loads of travel planned for this year. San Francisco, Nashville, and *fingers crossed* an international destination still to be decided (Matt's got a free ticket, you see). Are we crazy? Probably.

LeSportsac, Toki Doki (makers of my favorite purse and diaper bag) have come out with a new print featuring … PIRATES. Arrr … I think I need me a new bag.

Itunes is now (or will soon be) selling tracks DRM free. Someone is coming to their senses. Finally.

Easter is this weekend! I'm hoping we're not building snow bunnies on the front lawn.

Project #3 Complete

Sand. Varnish. Sand. Varnish. Sand. Varnish. It takes a while, but now it's done and we've got our very own butt-wiping station. As usual, my perfectionist hubby complained the entire time he was building it that it was hideous and plagued with flaws. He's still complaining a little, but was a bit more complimentary of his work last night when it was all done. We both came to the conclusion that we really like birch. It is so pretty when it's got just a clear varnish on it … almost iridescent (if wood can be so) and the grain is beautiful.

While we varnished, I watched like 8 eps of Martha and Rachael Ray (in about 3.5 hours). Even after all my love-spats with Tivo last year, I really do love it!! It is so handy for fast-forwarding through those commercials and the obnoxious segments where Martha shares all of her 8281763 beauty products with the audience and Rachael Ray has a schmaltz fest with err… whomever.

Waiting Game

What's going on while we're playing this little waiting game …

* The weather has been sunny and clear (if a little chilly) the past couple of days. It's supposed to snow tomorrow though. Boo.

* Two eco links: plant 450 trees for $45 with Trees for the Future, clean water becomes child's play with play pumps.

* Matt is almost finished with a piece to go on top of the dresser for changing little one … it's basically a raised platform for the changing pad with a drawer underneath to hold changing supplies. We're going to put poly on it tonight (don't worry people, it's water-based and safe for pregnant women).

* I did (sorta) pack for the hospital this weekend. You can breathe easier now, Yvett.

* Every day that I work in construction, my skills for spreching Deutsch seem more and more useless. Why didn't I learn Spanish?

* Grey's Anatomy (which I haven't even been watching) was on for 2 hours last Thursday and so my Tivo didn't record The Office (which I watch w/o fail) or My name is Earl. I'm a little peeved.

* I bought the cute robot pendant from Imogen's Etsy site. I've had loads of compliments on it. Just $8.50 including shipping … you can't go wrong!

Blessed Friday

Yay for Friday, that's all I can say. It's been a kinda weird week and I more feel like I've been floating through it as opposed to living in it. It's simulataneously gone really fast and really slow. On Wednesday, I couldn't believe it was only Wednesday, but every night when it gets to be about 8 (approx 1 hour before bed) I'm amazed that the day has gone by so quickly.

Confession time: I have not packed for the hospital yet (not for labor, not for post labor, not for Matt, not for little one). The car seat has not been taken to a firehouse to be installed properly. The pack 'n' play, where we plan to have her sleep the first few weeks (in our bedroom), has not been taken out of its box or assembled. I am still not caught-up on thank you notes. The house is a mess and I've been grumping at poor Matty to pick up his trash and put his dishes in the dishwasher almost relentlessly. Actually, I've been grumping in general quite a bit the past few days. I have very little energy at the moment to correct any of these situations. I also don't care a whole lot.

FYI: I will probably not be posting this weekend, so when you don't see any updates, this is planned and probably not because I'm in labor.

Hanging in There

Hi all! Just wanted to let you know that baby and I are doing fine and she's apparently going to hang in for a while yet. Yesterday was a sort of frustrating day. Actually, I should take that back. It was a frustrating morning followed by some R&R to recover from the frustrating morning. I won't get into details because I don't want to re-hash it in my mind and get annoyed all over again and besides, it would probably bore the pants off you. But that's the reason I didn't post anything yesterday.

Today I am boring. Actually I'll probably be quite boring until little one decides to make her grand appearance. Lately all I've been capable of is sleeping (still doing miraculously well at this), eating (mostly junk because I can't be bothered to cook right now and Matt is busy in his shop), working (at my job, not at fun/interesting things) and resting … with activities, such as they are. I've watched a little TV (Degrassi, Gilmore Girls and Scrubs re-runs yesterday, I believe) and read some books (historical romance I can't remember the name of and The Baby Whisperer) and I'm *this close* to being done (well caught-up anyhow) with thank-you notes.

I'll try to catch up on emails and blog-reading t'day. Thanks to you all for your notes and such.

Not Yet!

No induction yet! My labs came back and I was on the low-side of normal for whatever they were testing for (protein I think). My ankles are back to normal too. Now I want her to hang on at least long enough so I can get my pedicure on Saturday. I'm also happy to have s'more time to get things in order at the office and at home. But I'll fully admit that I was a weeeee bit disappointed. I'm just so anxious to meet her!! Luckily I am still sleeping pretty well and I don't feel too uncomfy (most of the time). So I'll count my blessings and look forward to her arrival.

Interesting fact: my sister and I were both born two days after our due dates. Both of our due dates were the day before a full moon. Lil one's due date is likewise the day before a full moon.