Hanging in There

Hi all! Just wanted to let you know that baby and I are doing fine and she's apparently going to hang in for a while yet. Yesterday was a sort of frustrating day. Actually, I should take that back. It was a frustrating morning followed by some R&R to recover from the frustrating morning. I won't get into details because I don't want to re-hash it in my mind and get annoyed all over again and besides, it would probably bore the pants off you. But that's the reason I didn't post anything yesterday.

Today I am boring. Actually I'll probably be quite boring until little one decides to make her grand appearance. Lately all I've been capable of is sleeping (still doing miraculously well at this), eating (mostly junk because I can't be bothered to cook right now and Matt is busy in his shop), working (at my job, not at fun/interesting things) and resting … with activities, such as they are. I've watched a little TV (Degrassi, Gilmore Girls and Scrubs re-runs yesterday, I believe) and read some books (historical romance I can't remember the name of and The Baby Whisperer) and I'm *this close* to being done (well caught-up anyhow) with thank-you notes.

I'll try to catch up on emails and blog-reading t'day. Thanks to you all for your notes and such.

5 Replies to “Hanging in There”

  1. How many people started wondering if the baby came yesterday!? I know I did.. Are you still working? Glad to hear you are feeling better!

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