
These are just a few of the things that I might normally blog about, but have not felt motivated to do so …. being occupied by other, cuter things.

Loki, faithful pup, has some of the nastiest doggie breath I've ever smelled. Any positive experiences with the myriad doggie breath aids? Ah well, I still love to snuggle him cuz he's so cute.

There are about 2 sources that I use for 90% of the new recipes that we try. Everyday Food is one of them … so I was delighted to see that they compiled the best of Everyday Food into a cookbook, organized by season with photographs for EVERY recipe. I bought it days ago and have not had time to crack it yet … I will report back. I am hoping that I migh be able to toss some of my back issues of the magazine and free up some cabinet space.

So … a coyote walks into a sandwich shop in downtown Chicago. No. Seriously.

We love our travel system, the Chicco's Cortina Discovery. It's cute and it's really well designed.

We've got loads of travel planned for this year. San Francisco, Nashville, and *fingers crossed* an international destination still to be decided (Matt's got a free ticket, you see). Are we crazy? Probably.

LeSportsac, Toki Doki (makers of my favorite purse and diaper bag) have come out with a new print featuring … PIRATES. Arrr … I think I need me a new bag.

Itunes is now (or will soon be) selling tracks DRM free. Someone is coming to their senses. Finally.

Easter is this weekend! I'm hoping we're not building snow bunnies on the front lawn.

9 Replies to “Randomness”

  1. Haven't had a chance yet to tell you how adorable she is! I hope my baby comes out half as cute as yours!

    Glad to hear you like your travel system. We're having a very hard time picking one out cause I don't understand all the crash test stuff. What do you like about this one?

  2. Thanks for sharing that Everyday Food has come out with a best of. I thought of the same thing. Maybe I can free up some space. Woo hoo!

    We heard about the Coyote on the news last night. He looked so pitiful.

    If babies decide to ever join my house I would still like to travel. I don't think you're crazy.

    I heard it may snow too for Easter. Wow!

  3. Travel is *definitely* possible with a little one … it's just a slight bit more of a challenge! hehe I'm amazed at how we fit all of our baby gear into our car for trips! LOL! That seems like a nice travel system. We have the Graco mocha one. My friend Shannon O. would *love* that pirate diaper bag! Sometime, when I have a few extra $$$, I'm going to treat myself to a new diaper bag that doesn't *look* like a diaper bag.

  4. – That sounds like I cookbook I could use. I hate it when there isn't a picture.

    – I saw that coyote on the news! Only they gave a teaser right before a commercial and I thought it had happened at a Quiznos here! I had just seen two coyotes out.

    – No, you're not crazy for wanting to travel. It's just harder. It's amazing how much stuff such a little one needs. For me, I couldn't bear to travel with either of the kiddies their first year. I kept thinking they'd be uncomfortable and felt like I was being selfish.

    -That pirate bag is cute. Pricey, but cute.

  5. They do sell doggie mints. But Norton hasn't tried them yet.

    I saw some really cool LeSportsac purses at Macy's. There was one that I liked that had Japanese-style animations designs. But they were soooo expensive!!!

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