Waiting Game

What's going on while we're playing this little waiting game …

* The weather has been sunny and clear (if a little chilly) the past couple of days. It's supposed to snow tomorrow though. Boo.

* Two eco links: plant 450 trees for $45 with Trees for the Future, clean water becomes child's play with play pumps.

* Matt is almost finished with a piece to go on top of the dresser for changing little one … it's basically a raised platform for the changing pad with a drawer underneath to hold changing supplies. We're going to put poly on it tonight (don't worry people, it's water-based and safe for pregnant women).

* I did (sorta) pack for the hospital this weekend. You can breathe easier now, Yvett.

* Every day that I work in construction, my skills for spreching Deutsch seem more and more useless. Why didn't I learn Spanish?

* Grey's Anatomy (which I haven't even been watching) was on for 2 hours last Thursday and so my Tivo didn't record The Office (which I watch w/o fail) or My name is Earl. I'm a little peeved.

* I bought the cute robot pendant from Imogen's Etsy site. I've had loads of compliments on it. Just $8.50 including shipping … you can't go wrong!

6 Replies to “Waiting Game”

  1. Yeah we got snow here too recently. Hope you won't get so much. Can't wait to see the pic the finished piece Matt made. Thank you for the eco links. Very cool. You know for a while Niel and I played with the idea of learning German for some reason. Though neither of us has any German relatives. I think you can watch The Office and My Name is Earl on NBC.com. What a cute pendant find! Yay for packing.

  2. It's funny ~ both times with Lucas and Meredith, I didn't use *half* of what I packed for the hospital. It was nice the second time around, though, knowing more about what was necessary. So I don't think it matters all that much that you haven't *fully* packed. Hopefully you'll have a short stay at the hospital, anyway! Sounds like Matt has made a lot of neat things for your girl's nursery.

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