Not Yet!

No induction yet! My labs came back and I was on the low-side of normal for whatever they were testing for (protein I think). My ankles are back to normal too. Now I want her to hang on at least long enough so I can get my pedicure on Saturday. I'm also happy to have s'more time to get things in order at the office and at home. But I'll fully admit that I was a weeeee bit disappointed. I'm just so anxious to meet her!! Luckily I am still sleeping pretty well and I don't feel too uncomfy (most of the time). So I'll count my blessings and look forward to her arrival.

Interesting fact: my sister and I were both born two days after our due dates. Both of our due dates were the day before a full moon. Lil one's due date is likewise the day before a full moon.

8 Replies to “Not Yet!”

  1. Oh my! I just realized how close to your due date you are! I know you're anxious to meet her, but she's going to be here anyday now anyhow!

  2. Funny similarities, huh? Isn't that just amazing? I'm glad that everything checked out OK this time. Holding good thoughts for you. I can't believe how close you're getting! Enjoy these last moments of pregnancy. She'll be here before you know it. It's funny, seems like Meredith has been with us all along!

  3. Oops ~ hit “send” too quickly. I meant to add, it seems *so* long ago when we were wondering what she would look like and be like! But it really was only four months ago! Time flies.

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