Cross Your Words

I thought I'd do a vaiation on those “how well do you know us” quizzes. So I made a crossword puzzle. So … how well do you know us?

Leave me a comment and let me know how you did. I think most answers are somewhere in the blog … I'm curious to see how well y'all have been paying atention.

puzzle | solution

Friday Meme Cop-Out

Ani tagged me for a meme and it couldn't have come at a better time. I was totally boring this week, working lots and doing very little of interest. I think even Loki is starting to find me a bit boring.

Six weird things about me:
1. There are some actors (Helen Hunt and Russel Crowe, for example) that I dislike so much that I avoid their movies. Usually I cannot peg my dislike for them … it just exists. Continue reading “Friday Meme Cop-Out”


My brain is not quite tracking today. I didn't go to bed that late, but for some reason, I can hardly keep my eyes open. I'm blaming daylight savings time (again). Anyhoo, seeing as how that is the case, here are some random things from my brain to your eyes:

* Gilmore Girls returned last night. I haven't seen it yet, but I plant o have a date with the treadmill and my Tivo when I get home.

* Blurb is a new service for publishing hardbound books. They're supposed to be unveiling their new software this month so we can all try it out. Sounds cool. Has anyone used Lulu before?

* I've been loving the recipes at Dannon Kitchen. I found them via The Kitchen … not that I've tried any of them out yet. But I load them into the cookbook here and mark them untested, so no one sees them but me! I think a Wiki would be great for anyone else who wanted to do this … Target has some good recipes too. Where are you finding recipes you love?

* What will you be doing at 1:02:03 on 4/5/06 (during the AM I was sound asleep and during the PM I'll be at work).

Not at the Cinema

Since last week, I've made a point of finding and adding movies to my Netflix Q. And I've been pretty successful at it. Here are some of the ones I've added. Let me know if you've seen them and if you liked them or not. And BTW, I LOVED 40 Year Old Virgin. One of the best/funniest movies I've seen in a long time.

Spirited Away -During her family's move to the suburbs, Chihiro wanders into a magical world where a witch rules — and those who disobey her are turned into animals. When her parents are turned into pigs, Chihiro must find a way to help them return to their human form.

The Best of Youth – This sprawling Italian drama sweeps from the '60s to the 21st century, tracking the journey of two brothers, Nicola and Matteo. The two take different paths: After traveling, Nicola becomes a successful psychiatrist, while Matteo becomes a policeman intent on catching criminals. Their politics diverge as well, straining the family bond. Continue reading “Not at the Cinema”

Loki and the Treadmill

A few weeks ago, we bought a treadmill. Ever since it was installed in our bedroom, Loki has had a fascination with it. While we walk on it, he likes to come over and sniff around it and put his nose close to the belt and generally see what it's all about. Sunday night, he found a new use for it. I was walking along, reading my book and he was hanging out in the room with me, playing with his football. I heard rustling around behind me and then I heard something drop on the back of the treadmill. I looked behind me and saw the ball flying away from me. Loki chased it. Then he repeated this little a few times more. He would have undoubtedly kept going if I hadn't had to stop the treadmill because I was laughing so hard. I really think his best trics are the ones he teaches to himself.

It's made me think, though that we might be able to train him to walk/run on the treadmill. The dog's energy knows no bounds and I think it would be quite the kick to train him up to run on it.

Signs Point To…

Well, kids, signs point to me having a good day. And I like that. Already this morning, my sweetie took me to work so we could chat and get bagels together (what we call a “bagel day”). Tonight, Veronica Mars comes back after waaaay too long of a hiatus. Are you still not watching this show? I'll bribe you to watch it, really I will, but in the end, you'll thank ME. These are small things, but those are what really counts.

I'm re-listening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix again after re-listening to HP and the Half Blood Prince last week. I've picked up on some new and interesting stuff this time around … and I may want to go back and read some others and see what else pops into my head. It's very interesting stuff. The woman must be brilliant to plan this stuff so far out.

Now back to my previously scheduled good day. WATCH VERONICA MARS!

Hey! Wait a Minute Mr. Postman

We've had a strange phenomenon ever since we moved into our house that's never really occurred for us before. We've been getting other people's mail! It seems to happen on a fairly regular basis, too. We've gotten it from as far away as a couple of blocks (with an entirely different street!). When we get it, we kindly return it to the people, in person, or dropped in their mailbox. The other day, though, it occurred to me that I don't know if we're losing mail and anyone is bringing it back to us … though once, we found our box of checks in there between mail drops, so I assume that was someone dropping it off and hopefully it isn't an isolated incident!

That fellow on the left, in case you don't know, is Postman Pat, of the BBC Kids TV series. Continue reading “Hey! Wait a Minute Mr. Postman”

Snow Driving

After driving in snow storms for the past few days, I decided I would do us all a public service and offer up some tips on driving in the snow.

1. Like normal driving, it is adviseable to stay more than 1 foot away from the car in front of you.
2. I know it's a shock, because I've seen so many of you do it, but it is not best to get up a slick hill by gunning your car and spinning your tires … this only wastes gas.
3. Ditto getting out of ditches.
4. Changing lanes suddenly is even less of a good idea in the snow.
5. Having four-wheel drive does not make you invincible nor does it give you super powers.
6. Speed LIMITs really are applicable… strange but true.
7. And finally … snow, ice and slush are SLICK.