Loki and the Treadmill

A few weeks ago, we bought a treadmill. Ever since it was installed in our bedroom, Loki has had a fascination with it. While we walk on it, he likes to come over and sniff around it and put his nose close to the belt and generally see what it's all about. Sunday night, he found a new use for it. I was walking along, reading my book and he was hanging out in the room with me, playing with his football. I heard rustling around behind me and then I heard something drop on the back of the treadmill. I looked behind me and saw the ball flying away from me. Loki chased it. Then he repeated this little a few times more. He would have undoubtedly kept going if I hadn't had to stop the treadmill because I was laughing so hard. I really think his best trics are the ones he teaches to himself.

It's made me think, though that we might be able to train him to walk/run on the treadmill. The dog's energy knows no bounds and I think it would be quite the kick to train him up to run on it.

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