
I've been tagged by Ani!

1. The book nearest me: Manual for the new camera … does that count? If not Marley and Me, the book Matt's currently (re)reading to me.

2. Stretch your left arm, what do you touch? my bulliten board

3. Last thing you watched on TV? Monk

4. Without looking, what time is it? 9:15

5. What is the actual time? 9:18 Continue reading “Tagged”

Another Busy Weekend

Of course, it was another busy weekend. My day on Friday started extra early because we had our quarterly breakfast meeting at work … but that allowed me to leave earlier too and go home to hang out with Loki and have a nap. In the evening, my parents and Kelly picked me up and then we went to get Matt from the airport. After excellent Chinese cuisine at East Cafe, we went to the Denver Museum of Science and Nature to see Body Worlds. It was a neat exhibit made slightly less enjoyable by the large crowd it drew. They had the exhibit open round-the-clock since this was the last weekend and even when we went at 9:30, it was packed. Continue reading “Another Busy Weekend”

5 Things

5 Things Meme, stolen from Lisanne.

5 Things In My Purse Backpack:
1. peach lip balm
2. Real Simple magazine
3. Nintendo DS
4. mp3 player
5. exacto knife painted to look like a fish

5 things in my fridge:
1. iced tea i made over 2 wks ago and haven't yet sampled
2. Annie's all-natural shitake & sesame vinaigrette
3. fresca (peach flavored)
4. leftover pizza in varying stages of decay
5. peach spice jam (and about 10 other varieties of jams and jellies)

5 things in/on my desk:
1. a stack 6″ high of stuff i need to “file”
2. my tivo remote
3. my disk for Sims 2
4. various pens, pencils
5. nail clippers

Dust on the Car …

I like art, especially when it's unexpected or tongue and cheek. And I've got the utmost respect for those who can take something mundane or even traditionally thought of as ugly or boring and transform it into something beautiful. I've seen loads of unusual art, but this medium is probably the most unusual I've seen so far … Scott Wade has been drawing (painting?) works of art into the dust on the back of his Mini-Cooper. You really have to see this for yourself.


Whenever I get bored in meetings or my brain needs to work independently to fix a bug in my code, I doodle. This might be my signature doodle … or the style of my signature doodles. Wonder what this says about my personality?

Backpack … mmm… Yes

I was surfing around for a good father's day gift on Think Geek when I came upon the unique object pictured at the right. Think Geek might have finally out-geeked themselves…. Now Master Yoda can come with you everywhere, showing you the ways of the force, just like he did for Luke … yes … mmmm.

Other things on Think Geek that I lurve:
* Darth Tater, Spud Trooper, and Artoo Potatoo
* a Blue LED faucet light that makes the water coming out of your tap look blue
* a glue gun that won't burn your fingers
* USB beverage chiller
* a wi-fi enabled pet

Data Dots

Via FreshArrivalDatadots are teeny dots (smaller than a grain of sand) that you stick on your valuables and then register with the datadots service … so wherever your stuff goes, it's got an ID tag on it. They say it's theft-preventing too, but I'm not quite sure I believe that…. anyhow, very interesting idea.

Busy Busy

It's already 1 PM here, and I am just now getting around to this. This is absolutely indicative of the sort of week I've got lined up. Tonight is my only free evening, and it is certainly not a free day … with every portion of it being lined up with meetings, etc.

Last night, we went to a 93rd b'day party for my paternal grandmother. My dad cooked a great dinner and we all enjoyed celebrating grandma's 93rd year. I just hope we can all be as healthy and together as she is at that age.

Tonight, as I said, is free. Tomorrow I'm going to get my dress back from being altered and I have to try it on and they make sure it's right, etc. Not going to be a very time-consuming thing, but it sticks in the middle of the evening and has to be done.

Thursday is my mom's b'day as well, which we will be celebrating with some dinner and miscellaneous fun on Friday.

I ♥ busy weeks.

Memorial Day Weekend

Well, we had a very nice memorial day weekend. Friday at Elitch Gardens was good fun. I rode all of the roller coasters … and only liked two of the, the old-fashioned wooden roller coaster (with no upside down) and the flying coaster which was slower and less dramatic in general. The day was a bit overcast and it tried to rain a few times, but that just mostly kept the lines pretty short and the heat at bay. After dinner and some ice cream, we attempted to watch the first X-men movie. Kelly and Matt made it, but I had to go to sleep.

Saturday, the boys went mountain biking and Holly and I took the dogs and the baby to Three Sisters for a hike. We got caught with them off-leash by a park ranger, but he was very nice and spared us a ticket. It probably helped that they were angels and came right to us. After some more miscellaneous fun, lunch, errands, Matt and I took a very tired Loki home. Continue reading “Memorial Day Weekend”

Six Flags!

Matt earned some comp time last week when he stayed over the weekend in California, so we're kicking off memorial day weekend by taking half days and going with our siblings (the ones who live in tow, that is) to Six Flags Elitch Gardens. Elitch Gardens have been a CO institution since … like forever. They used to be real deal huge tree gardens with great picnic shelters and a visible lack of comercialization. But times have changed and they were bought up by Six Flags a long while back and then moved down town where there were noticably fewer trees and noticably more Warner Bros. characters and swag. Oh well.

It's supposed to be a gorgeous day, so I'm really looking forward to some water rides and sun. And heck, even if it rains, we all have season passes, so we can come and go as we please. Happy Memorial Day Weekend!!