Signs Point To…

Well, kids, signs point to me having a good day. And I like that. Already this morning, my sweetie took me to work so we could chat and get bagels together (what we call a “bagel day”). Tonight, Veronica Mars comes back after waaaay too long of a hiatus. Are you still not watching this show? I'll bribe you to watch it, really I will, but in the end, you'll thank ME. These are small things, but those are what really counts.

I'm re-listening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix again after re-listening to HP and the Half Blood Prince last week. I've picked up on some new and interesting stuff this time around … and I may want to go back and read some others and see what else pops into my head. It's very interesting stuff. The woman must be brilliant to plan this stuff so far out.

Now back to my previously scheduled good day. WATCH VERONICA MARS!

3 Replies to “Signs Point To…”

  1. I don't think I even get that show. Isn't it on WB or UPN? Sorry, but I don't have those channels, so, see, you don't have to bribe me. I'd watch it otherwise.

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