
Woohooo! Friday again. Even if it has been a “short” week, it has felt long. Perhaps it has something to do with the dreary weather. It makes you not want to leave the house, but stay there with a good book and a cup of tea.

As usual, I've got a healthy list of things that I either want or need to do this weekend, including some recipes to try, finally finishing a scrap book and watching some Netflix and Tivo. I love Fridays.


This photo was taken about 20 miles from where I live, just as you're starting to climb into the mountains. Yes folks, that's right … it looks like the Denver area is due for some much needed snow. After a really really warm day yesterday, we awoke to grey skies and wet snow coming down. It is a very springy snow that they say may drop 3-6″ in our area. I'm so excited … SNOW!

Interestingly enough, one of my best friends is due to have her baby any day now and apparently, low pressure systems, the kind that bring SNOW, can help that sort of thing along. Continue reading “Snowing!”

Unseasonably Warm

I really have nothing better to say today, so I am going to prattle on about the weather. Yes, the weather. It has been unseasonably warm here lately. It was up to 73 on Tuesday and it's supposed to go back into the 60s this weekend. It's been sort of like this all winter, though the mountains have been getting record-breaking snow fall. Good for skiing. However, it isn't uncommon for the Denver Metro area to get a nice big dump in late March or April. That's the time when we got that huge blizzard in 2003 that crushed roofs and dumped 10' of snow on our friends in Evergreen (about 20 min from where we live!). Continue reading “Unseasonably Warm”

Ski Rage???

I copied this directly from the VailDaily website since they uncooly force you to login to read their stories …

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS — A Littleton man said he lost control in an alleged “ski rage” attack on a 16-year-old girl on the slopes at Steamboat Ski Area.

Randell Berg, 52, allegedly punched the girl in the head and neck and yelled profanities after she collided with his 8-year-old daughter on Sunday, police Capt. Joel Rae said.
Continue reading “Ski Rage???”

Ugh …

We started off with a very nice weekend … goofed around on Fri night (Kelly came over, Matt made fried chicken and we played Settlers), had a very busy Saturday (I went hiking with friends, grocery shopped and helped my parents cook for their big New Years bash … which we then attended) and Sunday (I programmed most of the day), but by Sunday evening, I was feeling pretty icky. I had, in fact, caught the annoying cold that's been going around. On the way to dinner with my parents, we stopped at Walgreens and picked up some Airborne for me. That, plus sleeping most of yesterday away, seems to have helped. This morning, my left ear is a bit plugged up, but I can breathe thru my nose and my sinuses aren't all tight and achey anymore.

Unfortunately my sleep schedule was a bit off and I didn't fall asleep 'til after 1 last night, so this morning has been a bit of a struggle…

Christmas in Nashville

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but we spent our Christmas in Nashville this year. We got up on Wednesday and drove straight through until 5 AM Thursday morning. We had a 2+ hour stop-over in Topeka, KS where Matt lost his wedding ring while playing with Loki and we had to run to Dick's Sporting Goods to buy a metal detector so that we could (eventually) find it.

After we got up on Thursday, Matt's step-mom made us breakfast and then we had to go get some annoying errands done (i.e. last-minute shopping). That night, we went to Matt's grandma's annual Christmas party and got to see all of the relatives we only see once every other year or so.

After the party, some of Matt's cousins came over to his dad's house. We got in the hot tub and pool and played with the dogs (Matt's dad and step-mom have a great black lab named Hogan who the pool was largely built for). Continue reading “Christmas in Nashville”