We started off with a very nice weekend … goofed around on Fri night (Kelly came over, Matt made fried chicken and we played Settlers), had a very busy Saturday (I went hiking with friends, grocery shopped and helped my parents cook for their big New Years bash … which we then attended) and Sunday (I programmed most of the day), but by Sunday evening, I was feeling pretty icky. I had, in fact, caught the annoying cold that's been going around. On the way to dinner with my parents, we stopped at Walgreens and picked up some Airborne for me. That, plus sleeping most of yesterday away, seems to have helped. This morning, my left ear is a bit plugged up, but I can breathe thru my nose and my sinuses aren't all tight and achey anymore.
Unfortunately my sleep schedule was a bit off and I didn't fall asleep 'til after 1 last night, so this morning has been a bit of a struggle…