Harry Potter and the Middle of Nowhere

I just hopped over to Fandango to pre-buy my tix for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Man was I surprosed to see that none of the theatres in our area have online ticketing!!! I'd never tried to get tix through Fandango for this area before. That's what's wrong with living in the middle of nowhere.

On the plus side, they are showing it on the IMAX, so that's a coup. 141 minutes of Harry Potter. All of the reviews I've read so far say that it's really different from the first two and better. Darker, but edgier and more realistic. I can't wait! Continue reading “Harry Potter and the Middle of Nowhere”

We ♥ Our Playstation!

We're spending our evening testing out some video games. We started out with the Alias Video Game which we rented from Blockbuster. That seems to have been a good move because so far, we're not very impressed with it. The dialogue is obnoxious and the skinning on the characters is hilariously crappy. We may try it again tomorrow, but it's nixed for now.

Now we're playing 007: Everything or Nothing, which is your classic James Bond video game and pretty darn good so far. The graphics are much more detailed in this one (though I'm not as much into the graphics as some … to me the story and gameplay are usually more important). I can't help but wonder what the graphics on the next gen of playstation are going to be like.

As Seen on TV

I really love the commercial for Starbucks' Double-Shot Espresso … the one where they do the parody of the eye of the tiger to do … “Supervisor.” Makes me smile every time. It's almost as good as Weird Al's parody of that song, “The Rye or the Kaiser.” hehehhehe.

Fantasia got named American Idol. That's good. She was my pick behind Latoya. Although I like to watch the show I have not yet nor will I ever buy tickets to a show or buy one of their CDs.

Idol, Not Idle

FINALLY! Jasmine was voted off. I've been gunning for her to go from the start. She really need to write a ton of thank-you notes to the folks in Hawaii for keeping her in the competition that long. I wish Latoya or Amy (remember her? the fun one with pink hair) were still in. But as they're not, I guess I'm hoping Fantasia will win. I think she's the greater talent. Diana's not bad though.

Even though I'm still interested, I must admit I've pretty much given up watching it. I've switched into my summer mode where I don't watch much TV. I like it like that. Lots of time to go on walks and play outside. Continue reading “Idol, Not Idle”

Nashville or Bust

Well Gilmore Girls was certainly good last night. I thought they did the whole thing justice and I really really enjoyed it. By Geroge, they've got it figured out again! Although, I must say. If they do any stupid crap to make the Luke/Lorelai thing not work, I will be very very very upset. I don't know where I want them to pick it back up in the fall either. In some ways, I'd like if they skip ahead a bit so we don't have to see Rory deal with all the Dean stuff. But I'd also like to see Lorelai and Luke get together, so in that way, I hope it doesn't skip any time. I'm guessing it won't skip much time because they have more material when Rory's at home and the writers will probably want to do all the messy Dean stuff. Intrigue.

Aside from TV, I'm getting ready to head to Nashville. We're leaving early on Friday, so stuff has got to be handled by then. I'm taking Miss May to the groomer's today so she can get her ridiculously long nails trimmed and her coat trimmed and her extra ears (these weird little furry balls she gets behind her ears) clipped off and she'll be all nice and pretty smelling for in the car and at Matt's Dad's house. I've also got to get car food and entertainment together and get stuff packed! Matt has been working very much, so he hasn't been available to help. But I'm looking forward to a very nice weekend with him … when he won't be bugged with phone calls from work every other second. Continue reading “Nashville or Bust”


I set myself on a tweak-fest tonight. There were a few little picky things, mostly dealing with the cookbook that I wanted to sort out. I enjoy doing challenging work sometimes. Tonight was one of them. I just got going and I couldn't stop. Is that a bad thing??

I am officially out of reading material. I really should make a trip to the library. We have our road trip coming up, so I could get some books on CD as well as some plain ol' books. Last time we listened to George Carlin read his book, Napalm and Silily Putty. I would love to go on the online card catalog, but it's been broken for a while now. FIX IT, PEOPLE! Continue reading “Tweaking”

Morning Mumblings

I am (brrr) so chilly. Matt loves to have the A/C on at night, so it's always freezing in the morning. I had kind of restless sleep last night. It was hard getting to sleep and then for some reason, during the last couple of hours of sleep, I kept waking up like every 20 minutes or so. Very annoying. I was also quite disappointed to find that our milk had gone bad this morning. Right after I'd poured it on my cereal and put a spoonful in my mouth. Goooood morning sour milk!!! Continue reading “Morning Mumblings”

What is it With Today Today?

That's a line from a movie or TV show although ATM I can't remember which one. Anyhoo, that's how I felt yesterday. Nothing seemed to go right. The evening was the worst though.

I'd spent way too much time in the afternoon making a reservation for us to go out with some of Matt's clients. It took a while because the restaurant line was busy. So I had to keep calling. So finally, we're just about ready to leave for the restaurant and they call and cancel! That was annoying. I hate getting all ready for something and anticipating it and then the rug gets pulled out from underneath you. Continue reading “What is it With Today Today?”

Miscellaneous Shallowness

I meant to comment on this yesterday when I wrote about Mean Girls, but I forgot. So does anyone else think Lindsay Lohan has gotten a boob job?? In the normal scenes I didn't think so so much, but in the party scenes when she was in the itsy bitsy dresses they looked damn large for someone of her size. I don't really have a problem with it one way or the other, I'm just curious, mainly.

Alias was good tonight, but I'm POed that it won't be on again for another three weeks. I could have sworn it was supposed to be next week. I seriously hope that they aren't trying to decide how to end it because they still haven't renewed it and are thinking about really ending it. ACK! That would be awful. Anyhow, as I said, it was good. I luv Isabella Rosalini. She and Jack are fun together too. And I was sooo glad to see Vaughn go back to Jack's secret weapon's stash (isn't Jack such a badass??) … finally that guy finds his ummm… courage. Plus, did anyone else notice that Mr. Sark was looking paticularly fine this evening. Wowsa!

That's enough from me.

Weekend Stuff

We went to see Mean Girls last night which was a lot of fun. We laughed like mad. Even funnier though was the Shrek 2 prveview. I can't find it online, or I'd link to it, but there's this scene where Shrek and Fiona are rolling around kissing on the beach and a wave rolls over them. And suddenly, Fiona is replaced by an Ariel (as in The Little Mermaid) look-alike is on top of Shrek. Then suddenly, Fiona comes up and grabs her by her tail fin and shot-puts her back into the ocean. I laughed like a loon for like 10 minutes. Anyhoo, that was good.

The pool at our apartment complex openeed today. But as it's Wisconsin, it was waaaay too cold to go swimming outdoors (50 degrees!). Why do people here even bother putting in outdoor pools? It's incredibly rare to get a nice enough day to use them even in the summer.

Tomorrow, I think it will be house-cleaning time. Isn't it always house-cleaning time??