Nashville or Bust

Well Gilmore Girls was certainly good last night. I thought they did the whole thing justice and I really really enjoyed it. By Geroge, they've got it figured out again! Although, I must say. If they do any stupid crap to make the Luke/Lorelai thing not work, I will be very very very upset. I don't know where I want them to pick it back up in the fall either. In some ways, I'd like if they skip ahead a bit so we don't have to see Rory deal with all the Dean stuff. But I'd also like to see Lorelai and Luke get together, so in that way, I hope it doesn't skip any time. I'm guessing it won't skip much time because they have more material when Rory's at home and the writers will probably want to do all the messy Dean stuff. Intrigue.

Aside from TV, I'm getting ready to head to Nashville. We're leaving early on Friday, so stuff has got to be handled by then. I'm taking Miss May to the groomer's today so she can get her ridiculously long nails trimmed and her coat trimmed and her extra ears (these weird little furry balls she gets behind her ears) clipped off and she'll be all nice and pretty smelling for in the car and at Matt's Dad's house. I've also got to get car food and entertainment together and get stuff packed! Matt has been working very much, so he hasn't been available to help. But I'm looking forward to a very nice weekend with him … when he won't be bugged with phone calls from work every other second.I've also been working on the scrapbook from France. It's coming along pretty well. I've got all of the Paris pics done, but there are TONS more still to do. I may need to go into a second book. It looks really good though. I did an excellent job of saving cards and brochures and stubs and maps and all that sorta stuff from the trip, so there's lots of good little filler stuff and not just pictures. I even bought some stickers to add to the mix. Kells and I both bought really neat castley stickers at this one place and I also bought some stickers that have this bizarre little mouse all over them and little French phrases that I don't understand. They're really cute.

I'd really like to finish it before we head to Nashville so I can bring it along. Which reminds me … need to make list of things so I don't forget anything. So so much to remember. Brain, don't fail me now.

2 Replies to “Nashville or Bust”

  1. Wasn't Gilmore Girls awesome! I can't believe the Rory turn! I too am anxious to see the relationship between Luke/Lorelai. Waiting so long. Have a safe and fun trip to Nashville. Lists are a great idea.

  2. Ohhh…how I miss that show. I'll have to keep up-to-date through you. I use to watch it all the time, but somehow I barely get to watch shows anymore.

    Have fun in Nashville. I've always wanted to go there. Let me know if you recommend it.

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