Idol, Not Idle

FINALLY! Jasmine was voted off. I've been gunning for her to go from the start. She really need to write a ton of thank-you notes to the folks in Hawaii for keeping her in the competition that long. I wish Latoya or Amy (remember her? the fun one with pink hair) were still in. But as they're not, I guess I'm hoping Fantasia will win. I think she's the greater talent. Diana's not bad though.

Even though I'm still interested, I must admit I've pretty much given up watching it. I've switched into my summer mode where I don't watch much TV. I like it like that. Lots of time to go on walks and play outside. I'm in the throes of preparing to leave. I'm burning CDs and cutting up fruit and getting clothes ready. Puppy always goes crazy when we're getting ready to go on a trip. She sees us moving tons of stuff around and she knows something's up and she just goes bonkers. She goes from sleeping to being completely underfoot. It's very cute

I'm so glad she's coming with us. I hate leaving her behind. I feel totally guilty about it and besides that, I love having her with us! She's such a good travel doggie. She just sits in the back, behaving herself and sits up to look at the scenery every now and then. I'm looking forward to a very fun trip!

4 Replies to “Idol, Not Idle”

  1. Have a great trip…and thanks for the info on Nashville.

    I agree, I feel awful when I have to leave the pooches behind. But it so wonderful to see their faces upon return!

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