Miscellaneous Shallowness

I meant to comment on this yesterday when I wrote about Mean Girls, but I forgot. So does anyone else think Lindsay Lohan has gotten a boob job?? In the normal scenes I didn't think so so much, but in the party scenes when she was in the itsy bitsy dresses they looked damn large for someone of her size. I don't really have a problem with it one way or the other, I'm just curious, mainly.

Alias was good tonight, but I'm POed that it won't be on again for another three weeks. I could have sworn it was supposed to be next week. I seriously hope that they aren't trying to decide how to end it because they still haven't renewed it and are thinking about really ending it. ACK! That would be awful. Anyhow, as I said, it was good. I luv Isabella Rosalini. She and Jack are fun together too. And I was sooo glad to see Vaughn go back to Jack's secret weapon's stash (isn't Jack such a badass??) … finally that guy finds his ummm… courage. Plus, did anyone else notice that Mr. Sark was looking paticularly fine this evening. Wowsa!

That's enough from me.

One Reply to “Miscellaneous Shallowness”

  1. I did noticed that LL looked a bit umm fuller. Something wierd when a 17 year old needs a boob job. I am enjoying Alias and was peeved that it won't be back for a few weeks. Grrr.

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