Strange Goings On

I have witnessed two weirdish (or at least uncommon) things in the past 24 hours.

Number 1:
I awoke in the middle of the night to Loki having a sneezing fit. This was a long one, perhaps 12 or 14 sneezes strong. I thought about getting up to see if he was OK, but I was too sleep hazed to do it. He seems fine this morning.

Number 2
On the way to work this morning, Matt and I saw a falling star … or meteorite … or whatever. It looked really pretty and was still pretty firey as it disappeared behind the mountains. Matt says it's good luck.

Completely Random

I haven't been able to get up the enthusiasm to blog. I have not been sleeping well and I am easily frustrated and generally not so cheery and sunny today. Anyhow, you get my random thoughts … lucky you.

* finally got a Christmas picture I'm happy enough with … my hair is behaving anyhow … so now I've sent myself a test card and assuming that looks good, everyone else should get one soon.

* Qoop is having a sale, I noticed. They are doing 25% off everything … so if you've got photo gifts to purchase, this is a good opportunity! Continue reading “Completely Random”

Christmas Movies

I have nothing to say today because yesterday was so utterly unremarkable and I'm so sleep deprived that even if something had happened, I wouldn't be able to remember it to tell you about it. So I'll tell you all about my favorite Christmas movies, then you can tell me about yours. Deal?

#1 A Christmas Story
Who can help but love the story of Ralphie and his crazy family? All Ralphie wants for Christmas is a Red Ryder BB gun, but the whole world is against him because they're afraid he'll “shoot his eye out!” Continue reading “Christmas Movies”

Oh Tannenbaum

Well Matty and I spent a very enjoyable evening decorating our house for Christmas. We put up the tree and set out knicknacks, mainly. And of course we listened to Christmas music. We then attempted to take a family photo in front of it. We actually got some pretty good shots … but something was amiss in all of them … my stupid hair. It just did not look good yesterday. I'm not liking it much in general right now and perhaps this is hormonal, but it's how I feel anyhow, so it doesn't really matter. Anyhoo, I guess we'll be trying again tonight … hopefully today is a better hair day.

So anyhow, the house looks pretty nice. We had a great time unwrapping all the ornaments and reminiscing. I've got cool snowflakes my grandma crocheted and a ton of ceramic ornaments that people made for Matt and I at one of my wedding showers … as well as various ornaments we've gathered in the almost 8 years we've been a couple and a ton from my childhood. And once it's all put together, the Charlie Brown style artificial we have actually looks pretty darned good.

Another Weekend SHOT!

Well the weekend's gone, but I must say it was a nice one … we even got a few things accomplished.

Friday night was just a nice night to lie around and recover from the week and we did so happily.

Saturday we went to breakfast and then met up with our friend Holly to make plans for next weekend when we're having cookie baking weekend in Vail. After we did that and her little one slept, she and Matt and I braved the big baby store and registered. Matt and I are still married and still really like each other, so I refuse to believe all the hype people put around that pregnancy milestone.

After all that action, we rushed home and got ready for my company Christmas party which was held at Mile High Station this year. It's a really neat venue, sort of an old warehouse affair with brick everywhere. As usual, we had a really lovely time. It's always great to see people, especially coworkers who I rarely get to see in my day-to-day work and really enjoy catching up with. We even got a lead on a great daycare provider in our area.

Sunday we did our weekly shopping at Target and then spent the rest of the day doing laundry, cleaning, playing video games, and watching Jay Cutler's debut game at Mile High (the stadium this time).

'Bout That Time

Honestly, I'm pretty good at math, but I was a bit surprised when I realized that today I'm heading into my 7th month of pregnancy, not my 6th. Today is also the start of 3rd trimester (at least as some authorities calculate it). Though by how far Matt and I are into planning for little one's arrival, you'd think the stick just turned pink.

Truth be told, I've been thinking about the nursery quite a bit … and though I doubt we'll probably put much of this into action until January, here's the sort of plan. Continue reading “'Bout That Time”

Photo Overload

My grandma's memorial service is today. In preparation for it, I have been dealing with all of the photos that she collected over her lifetime. Thanks to the effords of my parents and myself, we now have a repository of family photos from approx 1940 on … about 300 images. Of course there were many more, but we picked the really good ones to archive.

Seems like every spare moment has been consumed touching-up, cropping, rotating, categorizing, and labeling photos. I'm still not done, but it's much closer than it was. It's been loads of hard work, but it's really worthwhile to have all of these images captured digitally and available for our whole family. And that's worth a ton.

Now I need a 5-day nap.


Annoying Things
– Tivo deleted last week's ep of Veronica Mars before I got to watch it
– Ditto Grey's Anatomy
– Matt's been sick and I've been tired so the house is a mess and laundry is piling up
– Our beautiful weather (in the 60s) has turned bitter cold and snowy
– Discover Card (and all the other credit card companies) charge fees for their gift cards and assess penalties if the recipient doesn't use them within a year

Good Things
– Kind pirates have posted last week's Veronica Mars on Go Fish and I can see grey's on ABC's website.
– I did manage to at least get the dishes done last night and cart a whole bunch of boxes from the basement to the curb so the trash collectors could get them out of our house
– I found a top to wear to the company Christmas party that doesn't make me look like a whale
– I am just about ready to place an order for a whole lotta Christmas gifts on Amazon
– I cooked a very nice dinner last night and there are leftovers!
– there's a chance that this snow might give us a bit of humidity and I won't turn into one big scab Continue reading “Things”

What We've Been Up To

Matt made the mistake of getting a new video game a couple weeks back and we've been playing it incessantly. It's the latest title in the Final Fantasy series and like all titles from this series it features scantily clad extremely feminie heroines and even more scantily clad feminine-looking heroes, a mish-mash of technology (teleportation, but no email) and of course fights with creatures who resemble anything from tomatoes to the Hindu god vishnu in wall form (don't ask). It's only a 1-player game, but someone has to read the map, damnit, which makes it a great game to play together. Yea, we're nerds. Continue reading “What We've Been Up To”