Completely Random

I haven't been able to get up the enthusiasm to blog. I have not been sleeping well and I am easily frustrated and generally not so cheery and sunny today. Anyhow, you get my random thoughts … lucky you.

* finally got a Christmas picture I'm happy enough with … my hair is behaving anyhow … so now I've sent myself a test card and assuming that looks good, everyone else should get one soon.

* Qoop is having a sale, I noticed. They are doing 25% off everything … so if you've got photo gifts to purchase, this is a good opportunity!* I'm going to Whole Foods at lunch today which is always a bit of a treat. I've got to pick up some ingredients for the great cookie bake-off this weekend. Crystallized ginger, powdered egg whites, etc.

* I placed an order with Amazon yesterday morning and by 1 PM, two of my items had shipped. I'm anxious to get wrapping, so that's excellent.

* I am going to have to get to the mall to finish up some Christmas shopping and that is annoying to me. I especially hate the folks that accost you with offers for cell phones and hair straighteners and jewelry cleaners. I know they're just doing their job, but I'm just trying to shop! Efficiently, if possible.

* The never-ending parade of food at our office has started. Little miss and I will both be wired on sugar until the end of the year.

* Chalupa is a really strange word. It always makes me think of a dog. I could totally see Paris Hilton naming her little chihuahua Chalupa.

One Reply to “Completely Random”

  1. I hope sleeping gets better for ya. Niel too doesn't like being accosted by the Kiosk workers. I made sugar cookies today for my friend Jen and her daughter. Yum. Can't wait to read how yours turn out.

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