I haven't got very much to say today. We had a real low-key night last night. Matty fixed me Tuna Noodle Casserole for dinner, which was very sweet of him because I was so worn out from our weekend that I came home and took a 2 hour nap. I was planning to cook afterwards, but when I woke up, dinner was already ready.
We ran a couple of errands … to the library and Bed Bath and Beyond. We had to pick up a new mandolin because the Cuisinart one we got less than a year ago fell apart and we had to toss it. So we got an Oxo one … it looks loads nicer and you can just turn a dial to change blades instead of having them separate (and therefore easily loseable!). I also couldn't resist getting a new apple slicer (though mine is green) and a butter boy.
A short time spent cleaning, a little reading and a walk and the evening was gone.