Wintery Weekend

We had our first sizeable snows of the year last week and the cold weather has continued. Though of course we got enough sun to melt most of it off. Now today and most of the rest of the week, we may see highs in the high 50s or low 60s. Not too awful.

I spent most of the weekend resting and I plan to go home after work today and do some more of that. But we did have my parents, sister, grandma and aunt and cousin who were in from out of town over for dinner and catching up. It was very nice to see everyone.

We barely left the house otherwise. Matt and I both had to catch up on some office work that we hadn't gotten to this week, but aside from that, I did a whole bunch of lying around. Matty played some video games and attended to my every need and whim (not to mention some housekeeping and the needs and whims of our four-legged friend) … and made sure I rested. Continue reading “Wintery Weekend”

Tivoless Weekend

Hi all. Hope you guys had a nice weekend. Mine was largely quite nice. I left work early on Friday and worked on my mom's cousin's shower with her. Saturday was more of the same in the morning … rushing around like crazy, followed by the shower itself which went off pretty well, in my opinion. We got the famous berry chantilly cake from Whole Foods again and it was loved by all. Mostly, though it was just nice to see everyone. We have a lot of extended family in the area and even so, it's rare that we all get together. So it was great to see everyone.

That evening I was more tired than I can remember being since first trimester. I think two days of rushing around and being on my feet really took it out of me. I was in bed by 9 (after lying around all evening) and didn't get up the next morning until 9. Sooo lazy. Since I hadn't seen Matty all weekend, practically, we spent the whole day together.

Unfortunately, a lot of time was spent dealing with loopholes, bureaucracy and incompetence at Tivo headquarters since we discovered on Fri night that my Tivo while still functioning in most ways, could no longer receive the cable box's signal … and therefore couldn't record anything. I won't bore you with the details, but I'm still Tivoless and unless I pony up around $200, I'm going to remain Tivoless for a while. I have to decide about that … it's been one of those months where everything that could possibly cost us $$ has come up and so we may limp along with our crummy Comcast DVR for a while until I feel like I can part with the cash.

Now I Can Blab

So jury duty is over and MAN am I glad. Now I get to tell y'all about it. Not talking hurts me physically… I swear. Anyhoo, I got picked to be on a case where the charges were “sex assault on a child under 15 years by someone in a position of trust” and another count where the charge was the same as above “with a pattern of abuse” attached to it. Pretty, no? And let me tell you … JUICY. Basically we had mama's boyfriend who became like daddy to this young girl and then took advantage of her. Continue reading “Now I Can Blab”


Sorry for another short, boring post. I'm incredibly time poor right now. Jury duty + life = busy! I basically came home and collapsed last night. It was so exhausting to sit there all day and pay attention … sounds dumb, but you all know what I mean. And while they give us an hour for lunch, we have to walk to our cars, drive, eat, drive, walk back, etc. so it's hard to even get out to do that. The trial is interesting at least, but as I said, exhausting. I've got some great recipes to post .. maybe tonight.

My Civic Duty

Well folks, as illuded to by the blue card I got over a month ago, I am going to be called on to perform my civic duty today by reporting for jury duty. 😛

Luckily I get into the office early and outlook reminded me of this little factoid or I might've had a warrant out for my arrest. As it is, I still have time to get over there … and even linger over my cereal just a smidge. All the weekend's goings-on will have to wait 'til tomorrow. Hope you all had a good weekend!

Updated: They picked a bunch of us and then let us go until 1:15 this afternoon when we've got to go back for questioning or something. Yay.

Bits & Bobs

We tried out this Resolve High Traffic foam in our high-traffic living room where our luvly furry friend contributes his dirt daily. I'll reserve final judgement until I get home today (after the cleaning folks have vacuumed again) but doesn't look like it worked. Boo.

It's been so many years since I went thru an allergy season unmedicated, I forgot how truly crappy it can be. I'm about to invade Whole Foods and see if I can't find some hippy dippy herbal something that will keep my head clear … and not harm my belly buddy.

I made this receipe for dinner last night. It took forever, didn't turn out and now I still have the smell of garlic under my finger nails (and I've washed my hands countless times and showered since then!).

The weather is sort of annoying me … it's cold (like 40) in the morning and warm (like 80) in the afternoon. I just want it to pick a temp and stick to it. This 40 degree flux is annoying me.

Grey's and The Office are on tonite. Woohoo. Project Runway last night was sooooo good. Glad they didn't off Michael just cuz he did that hideous dress. Can't wait to see their collections. Is that next week? Or do we have some jerk-us-around clip show? Hmmm ….


As previously mentioned, I've been wanting to create a system of cataloging places I want to visit when I finally get (back to) a certain place. So I took a couple of hours yesterday and created the TraveLog. Basically, I've organized things by destination (NYC, San Francisco, etc) and then into categories under each (eats, shops, sights, other). I've rated them if I've been there and skipped that bit if I haven't. It may not be completely done … I'm toying with the idea of sub-classifying destinations (the various regions underneath the heading of “France”, etc). But we'll see. For now … I am happy with it.

I went with a vintage travel poster theme … and I used a new technique to include a custom font (it uses flash and javascript and I only understand about 75% of it). If it works out well, I will be able to use loads of custom fonts on the site. So that would be nice! Well enjoy!


I want to do a site re-design. I like loads about the site as it is, but I think I could improve other things … the skins switch the colors around, but it doesn't change the layout, and that would be cool. I'd also like to add some other features … I still want to do a travel section to keep track of things I've visited and things I want to visit…

Matt is going back to Cali next week, which is a bummer. I miss him loads and I take to eating frozen things instead of cooking and talking to Loki lots (actually, I do this anyhow). Continue reading “Musings”

London, CO

I didn't know what city I was living in this morning. It was foggy the whole way to work. Sometimes we have fog right around our house … there's a lake nearby. But I can't ever remember having it the whole way to work. Here's a Wikipedia article on the subject in case you're interested.

Our weekend was a nice one. Pretty relaxing. We cooked quite a bit and got that weekend sorta stuff done … laundry, cleaning, etc. I got a desparately needed pedicure and now my toes are a nice raspberry pink. It really felt like fall this weekend.

5 years ago …