We had our first sizeable snows of the year last week and the cold weather has continued. Though of course we got enough sun to melt most of it off. Now today and most of the rest of the week, we may see highs in the high 50s or low 60s. Not too awful.
I spent most of the weekend resting and I plan to go home after work today and do some more of that. But we did have my parents, sister, grandma and aunt and cousin who were in from out of town over for dinner and catching up. It was very nice to see everyone.
We barely left the house otherwise. Matt and I both had to catch up on some office work that we hadn't gotten to this week, but aside from that, I did a whole bunch of lying around. Matty played some video games and attended to my every need and whim (not to mention some housekeeping and the needs and whims of our four-legged friend) … and made sure I rested. Continue reading “Wintery Weekend”