Happy Friday!

I don't know about the rest of you, but it has been one LOOOOOOONG week for me. Not to say that it's been bad or anything. Just long. And a bit weird. But that's another story entirely. We don't have big plans for this weekend for a change. We're tentatively having a “date night” tonight which will probably consist of dinner and possibly a movie. Possibly that movie will be watched from the security of our couch. And perhaps that movie will not be a movie at all, but will instead be a bit of Tivo. Who knows? I have plans to get cake and coffee with a friend tomrorow while our husbands are being athletic (aprapos, no?). The house is a mess, so something probably needs to happen with that. And Matt's brother needs help moving, so I know what we were doing on Sunday.

Well hope you all have lovely Friday and an equally lovely weekend. Some good soul brought zuchinni bread (AND cream cheese) to our break room, so I'm quite a happy girl.

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