
I really really really cannot believe that the 4-day weekend is over with.

Thursday was basically an all-day Turkey fest. That photo is from Thanksgiving. Loki came with us to my grandma's house and spent most of his day in the side-yard which connects to the porch by a staircase and separates with a gate. Loki was so desparate to get thru he very nearly got his little doggie self stuck. He got lots of treats though.

The rest of the weekend flew by in a haze of projects errands and down time. We got little done, but we're pretty relaxed if not well rested.

Happy Monday

The weekend was nice. Dinner with my parents on Friday. They cooked AND cleaned at our house. So very nice. Video games, shopping with friends, family party, dinner out, errand running, laundry-doing, TV-watching, more video-game playing, dinner making. That was the rest of the weekend.

Weather was gorgeous. Clear skies, temps in the 50s, no wind. Lovely. We took Loki to the dog park and very nearly wore him out.

Can't believe it's Monday again. At least it's a short weeek!


I took a look over our calendar for the next 6 weeks or so and I'm exhausted just from looking at it. We are jam packed with events so much that we don't have a free weekend until mid December and as you can imagine, “free” will be a relative term as we wrap up Christmas shopping, finish wrapping, and trim the tree.

Of course even with all the business, I really look forward to our Christmas traditions. A couple of my faves:
* buying goofy stocking stuffers for everyone (one year we bought my dad travel-sized Charmin for camping)
* having tamales and guacamole and margaritas on Christmas Eve – we pick them up earlier in the day from an awesome place around here since no one wants to cook and nothing is open on Christmas Eve
* this year we're starting what we hope will become a new tradition – we're going up into the mountains with some of our nearest and dearest and spending the weekend baking cookies and watching DVDs and such

What are your holiday traditions?

The Dolla Store

I must admit, I happen to really like the dollar department stores (Dollar Tree, Dollar General, whateva). I won't buy certain things there (wrapping paper), but there are other things for which shopping there makes excellent sense.

Organizing tools are my numero uno favorite thing to buy at the dollar store. They always have a bountiful selection of clear plastic shoe boxes ($2 at Container Store) and other various plastic containers for cheap cheap cheap. Pair those with the erasable labels from Container Store (tons for $7) and you can organize most things on the cheeeeep. Continue reading “The Dolla Store”

The Blahs

I'm having some blahs right now. No biggie. I'm pretty sure most of them stem from not sleeping so well lately (sleep being one of the largest pillars of my happiness), but there you have it. I had to get up early this morning to take my car in for service and since it won't be done until late, I'll be putting extra time in at the office waiting for it to get finished instead of doing what I really want to do which is go home and watch Tivo. But I'll spare you more whining. Things in general are fine.

Here are some good links that I've been enjoying …
* 101 ways to save $$
* ever heard of non-newtonian liquid? basically, if you mix the proper amounts of cornstarch and water, you get a liquid that gets hard when you apply pressure to it and soft when you don't … these guys filled a pool with it. check this out
* input a random word and this spells it out with Flickr photos
* interesting gift guides
* luvin these teeeny houses
* always makes me feel better


Hi all. Sorry it's taken me so long to post t'day. It's just been one of those days … hit the ground running and still doing a bit of a sprint. Kinda nice, actually. Couldn't believe when I looked down at the clock and it was already 11! Yikes. Projects and meetings all morning.

We had quite a few trick-or-treaters last evening. We live in a neighborhood with loads of kids and houses on flat streets that are close together, so very desireable that way. Loki was a bit overwhelmed by the large number of strangely dressed strangers in his terrirtory, so I ended up pulling him upstairs with me for a while while Matt answered the door. We had crockpot red beans and rice for dinner last night and that turned out pretty well. I'll have to post the recipe later though because I can't remember where the heck it came from.

NaNoWriMo starts today too and although I've signed up for it, I am having trouble even thinking about starting it. Blah. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Seriously. Why do they pick November?? I've got to start Christmas shopping and such. Lousy idea.

Lastly, just wanted to send out a big congrats to bloggy friend Lisanne on the birth of her baby girl, Meredith!! Yay!

Halloween Doings

Overall, it was a very boring weekend … which in my opinion was exactly what was called for. Yay. Lotsa naps. Lotsa book reading. A bitta TV watching (Tivo is back, Broncos lost, Office still good).

Last night, we went over to my parents' house for dinner. My mom was making Matty a “thank you” dinner since she hogged me a couple of weekends ago when we had the shower for her cousin. He loves this one paticular dish she makes which is sort of a chicken and stuffing casserole. It is quite yummy.

After our delicious dinner, we worked on carving pumpkins. Mom and I both did very simple ones but Matt (as is his style) did an amazing one that looks like a witch flying on her broomstick. We set them by the door as we were gathering stuff up to go. Loki had been sniffing at the pumpkins all night trying to get a read on them and we thought nothing of it. But sudden I hear Matt go “LOKI! What are you doing??!?” Loki had taken a chunk out of Matt's witchy pumpkin. Luckily Matt could fix it and it still looks pretty good. But still … weird dog. What is he doing eating RAW pumpkins?!??


I have no plans for the weekend. Zip. Zero. Zilch. NADA. And thank goodness for THAT. No parties are scheduled. No friends/relatives are in town. The house is perfectly clean. I'm a free woman.

There are a few messy corners I want to clean out. Laundry will need to be done. My Tivo should arrive today (fingers crossed) and will need to be set up. I want to start scouring the internet for Christmas presents. And maybe I can even work on a fun project or two. Plus, there's always bedrest and water drinking.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Well they didn't actually exagerate too badly this time. We did get quite a lot of snow! Luckily that one with the 13 inches of snow is into the foothills, probably a good 20 miles from us. But I'm sure some people will be digging out for a while! I'm extra glad I bought new winter boots last weekend when I saw them at Target. I've had a crummy pair from Lands End that I really dislike since we lived in WI and I love my new pair. Great morning for them because it was slushy and slick!!

Too bad to be at work instead of cuddled up by the fire. Stay warm!!


Lots of nothing going on in my world right now.

The Denver area is being told to brace for a hell of a winter storm. They're tossing around words like “blizzard watch” and “severe winds” but I am taking this with a grain of salt since the media around here is given to sensationalism concerning our snow fall.

Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars have been good this year and last night was no exception. They're pulling off the Lorelai/Chris thing so well I'm almost pulling for them to make it, but I know that L&L belong together in the end.

I'd been able to wear my normal tops up until now, but they're starting to show a bit of belly when I put them on. I have enough stuff to get by, but I will probably need to hit Old Navy soon and get just a few more things. Some of the maternity clothes I've borrowed from others that fit fine the first half or pregnancy look laughable on me by this point. Plus I really need to be looking for something to wear to holiday events. Continue reading “Potpourri”