The Dolla Store

I must admit, I happen to really like the dollar department stores (Dollar Tree, Dollar General, whateva). I won't buy certain things there (wrapping paper), but there are other things for which shopping there makes excellent sense.

Organizing tools are my numero uno favorite thing to buy at the dollar store. They always have a bountiful selection of clear plastic shoe boxes ($2 at Container Store) and other various plastic containers for cheap cheap cheap. Pair those with the erasable labels from Container Store (tons for $7) and you can organize most things on the cheeeeep. My other favorite thing to buy there is kitchen stuff. I've gotten some of my best kitchen towels from dollar stores (along with the lovely Target dollar bins). I've also picked up extra silicon spatulas and turners, disposable foil pans and better still, glass wear! I've had waaaay too much glass get broken to spend much on it anymore. You don't growl nearly so much when you see $1 smashed as opposed to $4. And some of the glassware I've gotten there has proven to be far more durable than that I've paid 4x more for!

Aside from these two major categories, I've also been able to pick up good puzzle books, fun Chinese-take-out style cartons for gifts, and glassware, etc. to craft upon.

Do you guys have any fave dollar-store things?

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