Update Part 1

Hi all! Hope your 2007 is off to a brilliant start. And for the record, I apologize for being such a bad blogger. We've been insanely busy. So I will have to give you the updates in parts … you'd be reading for days anyhow!!

Leseee here. When we last left our heroes (hehe) they were bracing for BA snowstorm #2. Luckily for our heroes, this snowstorm was greatly blown out of proportion and we received around 10 inches of snow. Not a huge deal, considering.

Loki was once again up to his eyeballs in snow and greatly enjoyed every flake of the new accumulation. Thanks to our trusty SUV (sorry environment) we were able to continue with our normal lives in fine style. Except that some folks panicked and cleared out the grocery store causing me to have culinary complications related to missing ingredients. More on that later …

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Of course you never know whether to brush off what the newscasters say as alarmist BS or not, but if they are to be believed, we're supposed to get 14 to 24 inches of snow in our area by tomorrow morning. I was wanting a white Christmas, but this is ridiculous.

In case you're interested/bored, you can check on our snowy progress with these webcams.

Three inches in three hours!

To Do …

1. take Loki to the dog park before it snows again
2. mail packages to out of towners (today!!)
3. download some new Christmas music
4. figure out what to make for dinner tonight
5. find 2348971873 stocking stuffers (give or take a few)
6. wrap gifts (while watching excellent Christmas movies)
7. clean up my messy house
8. read s'more World Net Daily cuz it makes me laugh
9. watch the last 20 minutes of the last ep of Veronica Mars
10. put new sheets on my bed (flannel, I'm thiking)
11. track a couple of packages
12. figure out which dessert to make for Christmas Eve
13. order and pick up photos from Target
14. make myself some hot chocolate and catch up on Tivo

Stocking Stuffers

It's been Christmas 24 Hours a Day around my blog lately, but that's the state of affairs, so I'll just go with it. I feel the shopping drawing closer and closer to a close … I really have only one big hole to fill, but there's quite a lot of little ones left to fill. Which brings me to the question … what suggestions do you have for stocking stuffers. I have a fairly good arsenal … and I'll be happy to share that with you, but I'd love to know what you tie onto packages or stick in the stockings of your loved ones. So lemme know …. Continue reading “Stocking Stuffers”

Strange Goings On

I have witnessed two weirdish (or at least uncommon) things in the past 24 hours.

Number 1:
I awoke in the middle of the night to Loki having a sneezing fit. This was a long one, perhaps 12 or 14 sneezes strong. I thought about getting up to see if he was OK, but I was too sleep hazed to do it. He seems fine this morning.

Number 2
On the way to work this morning, Matt and I saw a falling star … or meteorite … or whatever. It looked really pretty and was still pretty firey as it disappeared behind the mountains. Matt says it's good luck.

Completely Random

I haven't been able to get up the enthusiasm to blog. I have not been sleeping well and I am easily frustrated and generally not so cheery and sunny today. Anyhow, you get my random thoughts … lucky you.

* finally got a Christmas picture I'm happy enough with … my hair is behaving anyhow … so now I've sent myself a test card and assuming that looks good, everyone else should get one soon.

* Qoop is having a sale, I noticed. They are doing 25% off everything … so if you've got photo gifts to purchase, this is a good opportunity! Continue reading “Completely Random”

Oh Tannenbaum

Well Matty and I spent a very enjoyable evening decorating our house for Christmas. We put up the tree and set out knicknacks, mainly. And of course we listened to Christmas music. We then attempted to take a family photo in front of it. We actually got some pretty good shots … but something was amiss in all of them … my stupid hair. It just did not look good yesterday. I'm not liking it much in general right now and perhaps this is hormonal, but it's how I feel anyhow, so it doesn't really matter. Anyhoo, I guess we'll be trying again tonight … hopefully today is a better hair day.

So anyhow, the house looks pretty nice. We had a great time unwrapping all the ornaments and reminiscing. I've got cool snowflakes my grandma crocheted and a ton of ceramic ornaments that people made for Matt and I at one of my wedding showers … as well as various ornaments we've gathered in the almost 8 years we've been a couple and a ton from my childhood. And once it's all put together, the Charlie Brown style artificial we have actually looks pretty darned good.


Annoying Things
– Tivo deleted last week's ep of Veronica Mars before I got to watch it
– Ditto Grey's Anatomy
– Matt's been sick and I've been tired so the house is a mess and laundry is piling up
– Our beautiful weather (in the 60s) has turned bitter cold and snowy
– Discover Card (and all the other credit card companies) charge fees for their gift cards and assess penalties if the recipient doesn't use them within a year

Good Things
– Kind pirates have posted last week's Veronica Mars on Go Fish and I can see grey's on ABC's website.
– I did manage to at least get the dishes done last night and cart a whole bunch of boxes from the basement to the curb so the trash collectors could get them out of our house
– I found a top to wear to the company Christmas party that doesn't make me look like a whale
– I am just about ready to place an order for a whole lotta Christmas gifts on Amazon
– I cooked a very nice dinner last night and there are leftovers!
– there's a chance that this snow might give us a bit of humidity and I won't turn into one big scab Continue reading “Things”

What We've Been Up To

Matt made the mistake of getting a new video game a couple weeks back and we've been playing it incessantly. It's the latest title in the Final Fantasy series and like all titles from this series it features scantily clad extremely feminie heroines and even more scantily clad feminine-looking heroes, a mish-mash of technology (teleportation, but no email) and of course fights with creatures who resemble anything from tomatoes to the Hindu god vishnu in wall form (don't ask). It's only a 1-player game, but someone has to read the map, damnit, which makes it a great game to play together. Yea, we're nerds. Continue reading “What We've Been Up To”