Laborious Labor Day Weekend

OK, so if I tell you what we did with most of our Labor Day weekend, I will bore the pants off you and then, well you'll be there … bored and pantsless. Hah. So I'll give it to you by the numbers …

10 peaches eaten
9 hours of sleep a night
8 bags of magzines to be given away
7 loads of laundry
6 houses viewed
5 people going to the zoo
4 movies watched
3 recipes cooked
2 cars deep cleaned
1 nice date night

Hope everyone else had a nice long weekend!!

Name Game

Cuz I'm bored/tired/boring today, here's a meme I stole from Chas.

1. YOUR SPY NAME: (middle name and current street name)
Kafer Coors

2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (grandfather/grandmother on your mom’s side, your favorite candy)
Ellen PeanutbutterCup

3. YOUR RAP NAME (first initial of first name, first three or four letters of your last name)

4. YOUR GAMER TAG: (a favorite color, a favorite animal)
Green Penguin Continue reading “Name Game”

Change of Season

I have been getting up at 5 AM every morning to go to our community work out center (this, incidentally, has made me realize that our pediatrician lives in our neighborhood, but that's a story for a different time). I really have enjoyed doing this for a number of reasons … but one of the things I have enjoyed most is feeling the cooler temperatures early in the morning. It makes me forget for a while that by 4 PM when I leave work that my steering wheel will burn me and my short sleeved blouse will feel like too much clothing. It is brisk and lovely.

I am very much looking forward to fall. Not just for the cooler weather (though that will be nice), but also for what it brings. I am looking forward to bringing out the jackets and scarves. I am looking forward to the food that comes with fall. I am looking eagerly forward to weekends that aren't crammed with events. I am looking forward to beautiful fall colors. I am looking forward to a slower life.

We didn't like living in WI at all. We joke that we were freezing cold for two years straight. But what we look back fondly upon is what being house-bound did for us. We read tons of books, played games together and cooked all the time. And that slower pace of life was really nice … at least some of the time.

Belly Blessing

Friday night was the henna party for Holly friend and her next little guy. I was just a bit of a helper and guest. There was loads of good food and good people and we had a wonderful time. Holly had hired a professional henna artist to help out with the henna work, but there were extra bottles of henna so that we could all work on each other as well, so that was good fun. My tattoo is on the left. It's a good deal lighter right now, but looks very pretty.

Just out for a Stroll

I feel like I am at the end of a marathon. We've been going non-stop for almost two months solid. This week, we've been spending lots of time at home and I can tell that everyone, including Loki and Tabby, is enjoying it. We've done some really crazy things like COOKING and ORGANIZING and GOING TO THE GYM. I'd sort of forgotten you could do these things. I missed my house too … y'know??

Now I wanna catch up on Tivo and clean out s'more messy corners and finally make a dent in a few of my projects that have been on my to-do list for weeks (months?). Continue reading “Just out for a Stroll”

Bicycle Meditation

Well despite the fact that I've owned her for more than a year, it took me until last night to have a real inaugural ride on my cruiser. See just after I requested her for my b'day, I found out I was pregnant. I don't know if you folks know this or not, but pregnant ladies aren't real coordinated, so I held off riding her. Then of course, Miss Tabby showed up and well … I don't know if you know this or not either, but new mamas don't have a whole lot of free time for bike riding. So last night, I finally got to take my cruiser on a long ride.

I don't know how long I was gone, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I went by myself. I didn't listen to music. And my mind was nicely blank. Yes, I thought, but it wasn't deep, it wasn't my to-do list, it was very in the moment. Afterwards I was a bit sweaty, but very relaxed. Continue reading “Bicycle Meditation”


Well I planned to come online this AM and tell y'all about our trip to Granby this past weekend (tons of photos on Flickr already) and I may do that later on, but right now, I'm mired in spam hell, deleting about 150 useless spam comments that are flooding my blog. Now I have to do one of those image anti-spam words and that'll take me a bit to work out. Luckily both the kids are down for naps ATM. Wonder how long that'll last.

Oh yea, commenting is inactive for now. The form looks like it works, it just doesn't do anything.

Finally Scrapping

As I mentioned before, I did finally get started on Tabby's scrapbook. It's been going pretty well but somewhat frustrating because I seem to have lost a photo or two (including the one of the pregnancy test that I took) when my mini hard drive got stolen/lost/whatever. I also am realizing that sometimes I wasn't very good about taking photos, so there are some gaps. Anyhoo, here are a sample of my efforts (friends and family only, since some of the brushes, etc. are fuzzy licensing).