Protected: Progress Report 9/18/07
We'll Call this 'Saturday Morning in Pleasantville'
I've got a story to tell you, but let me explain to you before I begin, that I live in a very picturesque planned neighborhood. It is very whitebread with manicured lawns and HOA fees and covenants and all. Honestly, it kinda creeped me out when we first moved there, because I sort of felt like we'd be the bad neighbors cuz sometimes we go a couple weeks without cutting our 10 sq ft of grass out front, etc. So there, your scene is set.
Saturday morning, Matt and I were trying to figure out what we were going to do with all of this amazing free time called a weekend, so we put Tabs in her stroller and we all went for a walk while we had a chat to figure it out. After that topic was exhausted, we turned to other varied topics … just as we were heading back into our neighborhood from the lovely little path we walk along, we were discussing road sharing between cars and bikes. This is a topic that comes up more frequently than you might imagine. And let me say that I'm not really on either side. I don't think cyclists nor motorists really understand the correct rules and procedures. As a cyclist, I've been screamed at by cars, ignorant of the rules, telling me to “get on the sidewalk.” And as a motorist, I've seen cyclists do some really dumb stuff, mainly not follow the rules of the road.
So just as we were coming into our neighborhood, we heard screaming and tires screeching. Continue reading “We'll Call this 'Saturday Morning in Pleasantville'”
Linky Goodness for Friday (cuz I luv u guys)
I've been getting the skinny on low cal recipes and products delivered to my inbox daily from Hungry Girl. It's not all up my alley, but it does provide some interesting ideas. In fact, it turned me on to my new favorite beverage: almond milk!
As I am a wordie, I just luv looking thru the words on Urban Dictionary. Some of my favorites:
fauxbia: a false fear
errorist: someone who makes frequent and egregious mistakes
mouse arrest: when you're grounded from using the computer
dinner badge: the leavings of your dinner upon your shirt
bisexy: a person of either gender that both genders agree is attractive
wifive: analagous, apparently, to an air five, but y'know, more web 2.0
ex-door neighbor: the person who used to be your next door neighbor Continue reading “Linky Goodness for Friday (cuz I luv u guys)”
I got like 4.5 hours of sleep last night. Sort of. Here's how my day went.
4:51 AM – Get up, go to the gym (is just down the block from my house)
5:00 AM – Workout
5:35 AM – Head for home, shower and such
6:00 AM – Head for work
6:30 AM – Work
6:30 PM – Head home from work
7:00 PM – Arrive at home.
7:10 PM – Attempt to feed Tabby some applesauce … get puked on.
7:15 PM – Rinse myself and Tabby off
7:20 PM – Head for Urgent Care
8:10 PM – Arrive at Urgent Care
8:30 PM – Have Tabby's vitals taken
9:00 PM – Temped by nurse
9:20 PM – Seen by pediatrician
9:30 PM – Nurse arrives to do catheter (Tabby's third since she was born)
10:45 PM – Finally get clearance to leave from the pediatrician
10:55 PM – Stop at Safeway to purchase Pedialyte
11:30 PM – Try to stop at Taco Bell to get Matt food (he hasn't eaten since noon), however their credit card machine isn't working
12:00 AM – Finally get home
12:30 AM – Tabby and I go to bed
12:45 AM – Matt goes to bed (after having a bite to eat)
5:00 AM – Wake up after short, fitful night's sleep
I wish this was in any way a fabrication.
Miss Tabby is just fine … and charmed the pants off the doctors and nurses last night. We were just worried because we felt the whole puking thing had gone on a bit too long.
Middle Name
Ani tagged me to play this one …
The Rules: 1) You have to post the rules before you give the facts. 2) Players must list one fact that is relevant to your life for each letter in your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name then use a name that you like. 3) When you are tagged, you must write a post containing your own middle name game facts. 4) At the end of your post, you must tag one person for each letter in your middle name. Don’t forget to comment them telling that they are tagged and to read your post to get the rules.
K – Karaoke Revolution: my favorite game to play on the PS2, drunk or not. I usually score high, though I do not flatter myself that this is because I am any good.
A – Artistic: though I work in the realm of computers and the left brained, I actually score centrally on most of those right/left brained tests and consider myself to be fairly artistic. I'm no VanGogh, but I think I have OK color sense and sort of an artistic eye. Asthetics are important to me.
F – Food is a love and a hobby of mine. I really enjoy cooking and trying new things frequently.
E – Eczema is a condition I've had for as long as I can remember, but since I was about 18 they've had great steriodal creams to control it.
R – Ruh-roh: this is possibly my favorite sarcastic “that sucks” phrase. It comes from Scooby Doo, in case you didn't know.
I tag: Britney Spears, Wil Wheaton, Zach Braff, Roseanne Barr, and you if you are so inclined.
Protected: Weight Loss Journal Again
Maybe it wasn't the Shots??
OK, I'll give my girl this, even though she's only 6 months old, she is very good at sharing … at least when it comes to stomach bugs. I'm guessing that my fate might've been sealed when I got thrown up on, but who knows. So I've been a bit under the weather for the past 24 or so. But happily, we are both basically back to normal. Yay.
I Dream Of …
I don't know what's been up with me (possibly my body regulating to its new extra early schedule), but I don't think I've been sleeping all that well. The reason I think this is that I've been dreaming … or more precisely, remembering my dreams. I do this very rarely because I am such a deep sleeper.
One one occasion, I dreamt about going to Fudruckers (do you have these near you? excellent burgers) which is really weird because I'm sort of a take it or leave it girl with red meat, probably leaning towards the leave it. But dream about it I did (maybe I need more iron!?) and this resulted in a trip to Fudruckers.
But about 3 or 4 times, I've dreamt about having to take a final and not being prepared … and not just any final. Math. See in high school, math was easy for me. Way easy. Then I got to college. I decided to major in Computer Science … see for some reason that is unclear to me, they like to torture CS majors with an inexplicable amount of math classes as part of our curriculum. So in my 4 years of college, I took 3 semesters of calculus (it was really 4 semesters worth, but engineering gamely smooshes it all into 3 to make it extra fun), discrete structures, linear algebra I & II, statistics (oh my god how I hated this class!) and differential equations (diffeq, pronounced diffyQ). I honestly still have trouble sometimes believing that I survived these classes. I was the person haunting her professor's office at all hours (not just office hours) and staying for every extra minute of review session. I'm the one who emailed the TA at 3 in the morning. And as my dreams show, all this had a very lasting effect on me.
The worst part? I don't use any of this math knowledge that I had to accumulate. Not a bit of it. High school level algebra and occasionally geometry … sure … sometimes daily. But all of this advanced math knowledge? I had to learn it and now it is slowly leaking out of my head with the passage of time. And yet I'm still forced to relive (at least in my dreams) the stress of it all. What a waste.
Almost Done …
Updated: Sheesh. Computers are out to get me this week. Something went wonky with a file, but it's fixed now and the things I wrote about actually work (imagine that!).
Ugh. So busy. I promised myself that I'd get the updates to the site done this past weekend. Of course cuz I promised myself, that didn't happen, but I got very nearly done and with the bits of work I put in last night, I'm even closer. So … what's new? Not lots that you can see. The big deal is the cookbook … I added a few really cool things there. Firstly, there's photos. Not of everything, but I'm taking them as I make stuff and trying to remember to add them. Darn it's hard sometimes to get a halfway decent photo. I'm no Ansel Adams, people! I also added a better search, but the really cool thing I added is called “menu picker” … it will pick a few menus for you to try out, basically randomly, but with some criteria you set. Then it will generate a grocery list. I made it for myself, but I like to share, so there ya go. I figure someone might use it.
Overall, I think it's easier to use. I didn't change the links section much except that I added a new category called “featured” on there for Yvett and Ani, cuz they wanted me to archive the links I post about in some coherent sort of manner, so hopefully that will work out for you guys. I think I'll also add a category to the entries themselves called “linky goodness” or something equally “witty.” But I haven't gotten that accomplished yet. But for the day-to-day, we're ready to go.
Meanwhile, you've all written me nice comments on this and that and I haven't responded to any of you nor have I read any of your blogs, so when things slow down for a minute (possibly tonight), I will work on that. No, really.