Just out for a Stroll

I feel like I am at the end of a marathon. We've been going non-stop for almost two months solid. This week, we've been spending lots of time at home and I can tell that everyone, including Loki and Tabby, is enjoying it. We've done some really crazy things like COOKING and ORGANIZING and GOING TO THE GYM. I'd sort of forgotten you could do these things. I missed my house too … y'know??

Now I wanna catch up on Tivo and clean out s'more messy corners and finally make a dent in a few of my projects that have been on my to-do list for weeks (months?). I believe I will be calling my bike “The Lime Sherbet Incident” and “Sherbet” for short. Can't wait to ride her again.

3 Replies to “Just out for a Stroll”

  1. I've been off this week in the hopes of accomplishing something around this house. That plan went to hell in a handbasket

  2. I like Sherbert! I'd like a bike too but now with all the house expenses, I doubt I can get one for a while.

    I felt like I was going in superspeed mode for a while, with packing and house stuff and trips and things we had. Now that we're in and semi-unpacked, I'm enjoying more free time that I don't know what to do with!

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