The Dog Days of Summer

It's been some kinda hot here lately. And then it keeps threatening rain which makes it humid. Though to my knowledge, it's mostly just closed pools and ruined perfectly clean cars. We Coloradans are kind of whiny about humidity. It gets even a weee bit steamy and we whine. We're just not used to it. It's semi-arid here usually. Mr. Loki has been sitting near/ON TOP OF the A/C vents and stealing sandwiches (though I don't think this has much to do with the heat). Maybe we should have named him Yogi.

Boot camp is almost done, which is bumming me out. I've really enjoyed getting up at the crack of dawn and doing insane things to my body. Lord only knows why. Due to scheduling conflicts, I can't sign up for the next session either.

Work has been nuts too. I am working on some new projects and I have very little help and a steep learning curve, so when I hit a wall it's just me and the help files. They're not as helpful as their title might lead you to believe, either!.. But now I'm remembering some tricks of my old trade … if I get up and walk around for a while and chat with someone, I usually get it all figured out. Though actually, my old trick was to play a game of tetris. Wonder which would take less time. But in any case, by the time I get home between the heat and the brain drain I'm fit for little interesting or fun.

Weekend, please!

3 Replies to “The Dog Days of Summer”

  1. Ugh, humidity. It's been killing me lately too. I'm sooooo ready for monsoon season to be over.

    I hope the rest of your week goes by faster!

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