Whizzzing by

Another weekend full to the brim with friends, family, fun and HEAT. Matt and Tabby spent Friday together, hanging out and running errands and we had dinner at my parents' house that evening.

Saturday we got up early and went to the zoo before it got too hot. Tabby is fascinated by animals at the moment and the zoo was a MAJOR hit. Every other word was “seeee?!” She walked ran all over the place on her short baby legs and was tired more or less the rest of the day as we did grocery shopping, gardening, cooking and hanging around the house. Today it got hot even faster. We went for a run this AM and took our half-way point break at a playground where she could play. After breakfast and some play time, she and I both took a long nap. Then we ran out and did a couple more errands. The afternoon was spent at my great uncle's 90th birthday party. Then the mad scramble to get ready for the week to begin.

I got quite a bit accomplished this weekend. I used up a lot of our spare veggies by making a couple of quiches. They both turned out very well. I also did a project I've been wanting to do for a long time … I painted a bunch of wooden beads and made them into a necklace for Tabby. It turned out very well, so of couse she has no interest in wearing it. Hehehe.

Hope you had a good one.

4 Replies to “Whizzzing by”

  1. Sounds like you all had another wonderful weekend!

    I tried to email the boy banders name…but for some reason I can't find your email?? If you still want to know, just shout!

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