Oh Baby!

Morning kids. I guess you all get some baby talk today. For those of you who don't like to hear about the more … medical … parts of pregnancy, you might wanna skip this. I will likely mention my cervix at least once more. I had an appointment with the docs on Friday. I am apparently dilated a bit, “a centimeter or so” and “a bit” thinned. Possibly of more interest is that I had highish blood pressure. Don't quote me on these numbers, cuz I am not positive, but I think it was something like 148/88 and I really don't know what that means. There was also some swelling, particularly in my ankles and something was amiss with the pee. I think they said protein. So I won the jackpot as far as OB visits go and got another stress test, ultrasound *and* blood work-up. I got my favorite phlebotomist though and she got me in one stick. Yay. I also got to do the “pee jug” or 24-hour urinalysis. All kinds of fun for the weekend. But it's done with now.

What all this means? Possibly preeclampsia. I'm sure most of you know generally what that's all about, but for those of you who don't, here's a link. It explains it better than I could. So I should hear back today whether they want me to come in for more tests or if they just want to take a “wait and see” attitude or if they want to induce me sometime soon or what. For the record, I do not know how I feel about induction at least emotionally. I don't think I'll really know until they tell me what their decision on all of this is and then my gut will tell me. Academically, I am not thrilled with the idea of induction since it's supposed to be a harder, much more painful labor, but if that's what baby and I need, so be it. God invented epidurals for a reason. Thanks for all your sweet comments on m darling little JD. I've thought seriously about demanding some cold hard cash back, but I find my reserves for battling a bit drained and I sort of just wanna let this one go. We're looking at it as a great excuse to spend s'more time with the puppy and recoup some out-go.

4 Replies to “Oh Baby!”

  1. My BP went up and so they put me on a magnesium drip. (I think that is what is was) That stuff makes you feel very hot. Whoo hoo for air condition! Take care! I'm so excited for you!

  2. Don't be too afraid of induction. Yes, you are PUT into labor and don't 'ease' down the spontaneous contraction path. Still, when your provider induces you, they are driving your labor with meds. There is no reason pain relief measures cannot be incorporated early.

    Your brown jug o'pee and the other tests will tell the story. Be prepared to not hit your due date still pregnant though.

    Not much longer now!!!

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