Sleep Patterns

I got the mojo (programatically speaking) going last night and just tore up the site and did a bunch of other work. So as a result, I was up 'til 6 AM. What can I say? When I get going really well, I just can't stop. That sort of stuff is too good to waste.

So this morning as Matt was leaving (he kept annoying me to see if his outfit matched … though in my exhausted state, I probably would have told him that a wet suit with a tutu looked good) he asked me what time I wanted the alarm set for and I stupidly said 10. So at 10, I got up! Urgh. I'm determined to stay up so I'll be tired at the proper time. I hate doing the night owl thing for too long. I hate being on weird sleep patterns and I miss snuggling up next to Matt.