
Today was a pretty normal day except for the fact that my cable modem went out! Out out! And it remained out for like 7 hours. How obnoxious. I like my cable modems working, CHARTER. WORKING. What do I pay you people for? Anyhow, it's fixed now (obviously).

Now I'm watching Letterman, which I don't normally do, but I'm a bit behind on work, so I'm catching up. And he's got this guy on there who wrote a book about the random pieces of paper that he has collected. It's called Found. He finds all these crazy things like To Do lists and pro-con sheets comparing two guys and a note that was taped to someone's car saying “Please, don't put any more crab on my car. Just cut it out!!” I think it's a very interesting commentary on human culture. I might have to have it.

Matt's birthday is coming up very soon and for once, I thought of a very good present for him. I just have to remember to get it before his b'day. Oooh. I like getting people presents I'm almost 100% sure they're going to like. It's so much fun.

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