Goings On

Our step teacher must have sprinkled a little crack over her cornflakes this morning because she was all over the place! I don't know what the heck she was doing. I was exhausted just trying to figure out what she was up to. So we finished with the step stuff and she mentioned something about sprinting and so I did … straight out of there. Ugh.

Then I'm doing my weight lifting and while I'm doing that, I hear over the PA that they're looking for the owner of a purple station wagon (?!). They announce this twice. When I get out to the parking lot, I see why. The owner of said purple station wagon (a Focus, I think) had left his/her parking break off and either the force of gravity or a nudge cause it to roll backwards into a red sedan. Now my obsession with always putting my parking break on doesn't seem so dumb. It's one of the first times I really wished I had a camera phone. Of course as I didn't have my cell phone with me anyhow, it probably would have done me little good. As I was driving away, I see this little lady who's about 50 walking up to the scene. It's clear she owns one of the cars. From her expression, I'm guessing it was the station wagon. PS: Her warmups matched her car.

This weekend was boring, but nice. I got damn busy working on the pages for our France trip. It's pretty much going to be a typical photo album but with a few extras. It should be ready soon(ish).

I got some awesome scores at the used book store on Saturday (Frugal Muse if anyone in the Madison area is interested). I found three moosewood cookbooks and in their $1 outlet, they had a ton of hard-back young adult books. I love books. I was calculating it the other day and I realized that I read, on average, 6 books a week. That seems a bit excessive! But I guess there are worse things to be excessive about. Plus, I read really fast, so I can polish off a book in a couple of hours, easy.

Alias was great last night. Sloane's a baddie again. Yippee! I like the girl they got to play Nadia (Syd's sis) … and the whole Vaughn capture thing was cool. Malcolm in the Middle was funny too. Of course they're on at the same time, so I had to tape one. Some dream of Jeanie. I dream of Tivo.