This 'n' That

The photos came from Yahoo! I am pretty impressed with their speed and quality. So all's well that ends well. Matt and I will be working on an album for them this weekend.

The online France album is almost done, but I'm missing a bit of narrative, because I don't remember some sequences of events and the name of this one town we stopped in. I should have written it down! So I'm hoping my sister can fill me in.

Idol last night sucked. None of them did Gloria Estefan's songs justice. But I liked Latoya the best so I voted for her. It was a real pain to vote. I couldn't get thru 'til like 40 minutes afterwards. Luckily real voting is easier. Just a nice 'lil absentee ballot to fill in. Except this year I may not vote at all. I don't like any of the candidates. When did the world get so wonky? Can I write in Jon Stewart? He amuses me.

Ah. Back to working.