As part of our weekly errands, we went to Walgreens to have some pictures from vacation printed. We put in our CD with over 1000 pictures and spent nearly 45 minutes loading and selecting the ones we wanted. Some of them we zoomed and cropped or removed red-eye. The interface was incredibly slow and we just had a lot of pictures. Finally, when our feet were starting to hurt we finished! We had around 100 pictures to print. So we went clicked the print button. When we did so, a screen came up insisting we have a photo department associate's code before continuing. So, obviously, we went and found someone to help us. And then she got her manager. The manager came over, hummed and hoed for a few minutes, and then clicked cancel … and then with one swift stroke of her finger, OK. SHE DELETED OUR ENTIRE ORDER. Out popped our CD and then my eyes.

I could not believe she had done that. I was sort of afraid that if I said anything, I'd really lose it. So I just kept my mouth shut. I don't think killing a Walgreen's associate for blinding incompetence would be looked on fondly by the Wisconson courts system (though I surely would have gotten sympathy). Anyway, we went home without exchanging any harsh words with anyone. Now I want to go back and complain, but it's sort of the thing you have to do at the moment, isn't it. GRRRR. I was still livid a half hour later.

Well I've decided we'll be using the Yahoo! photo system for printing our pictures instead. It's a bit cheaper too … even with S&H.

3 Replies to “YOU MORON!”

  1. That would soooo piss me off. Don't do snapfish. They lost my disposable camera one time. HOW!!! I just tried Yahoo but have not recieved my pics yet.

  2. I don't know what I would've done. I would've also been furious!
    I also really like Ofoto. The prints are great and I like that my family and friends can get their own if they want.

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