Feel it HOT! HOT! HOT!

We live in Wisconsin, yet it is so hot in our apartment building that we almost never run the heat. In fact, quite the opposite, we almost always run the A/C. It's quite irritating, really … and expensive.

I found a couple of really cool photo sites … Image Cafe and istockphoto. I particularly like istockphoto because you can upload your own photographs in exchange for credits that you can either get cashed out or you can use towards getting stock photos from them. The only problem is that I don't have a digital camera that's good enough to produce pictures acceptable for the site. Boo hoo. You need 2 MP and I've only got 1.3 MP. Blah. Maybe later.

What else? Hmmm… I've got real work to do on Jesser and now I shall probably do that. Blah. Lots of icky programmy stuff. I hope I have the head for it today.

Oh yes! I got an excellent deal on headphones at amazon marketplace. They're very nice wireless headphones that are regularly almost $90 and I found them for $17 plus S&H. So I was quite jazzed. I really couldn't pass that sort of deal up. They're great too. They work flawlessly. Yea for amazon marketplace!!

Work Work Work Work Work.

I'm busy working as usual. Right now I'm doing a bunch of stuff to this site … adding wishlists for Matt and I and working in some editing features that I should have done a loooong time ago.

Tonight, we've got to clean the house. It's icky-gross and can be put off no longer.

I found this incredibly cool thing yesterday. It's a blogging service that you can post images to remotely from your digital camera or camera phone. So you're out at the beach and you can take pictures which automatically post to your web page. That's prety dern cool. The place is called textamerica. They're free, but I would have to use their blogging system and I like mine. I wrote it. It's totally customized TO ME. No generic junk for this girl.

Alright. Now I've blogged before I mess anything up too bad.

Apple Weekend

Matt was excited to learn that there are farms all around madison where you can go and pick your own apples. So that's what we did on Saturday. It was the perfect day for it too … about 70 degrees and very sunny.

We wondered out amongst the trees, looking at the beautiful scenery and picking a wide variety of apples. So of course, when we got home, we had to do something with all of them. We made apple butter (that took a WHOLE BUNCH) and an apple crisp that Matt has proclaimed is the best dessert he's ever had.

Yesterday, we went on a long bike ride and watched an ungodly amount of TV. Alias, was, as usual, awesome, and Discovery Channel was showing an interesting show on the engineering feats behind some of the world's greatest cities. So we watched all 3 hours of that.

Today, I'm catching up on plenty of work, and watching a Murder She Wrote marathon on A&E. How kind of them to provide me with good TV while I've got to work. Yea!

Another Busy Day

When you're little, Christmas is so simple and fun. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride and you really never realize how hard your parents work to make everything perfect for you. As you get older, you start to get an idea of just how much work it is. And even now that I'm married and on my own (and I've even hosted a Christmas) I don't think I'll realize how hard my parents (and grandparents) worked to make nice Christmases for us until I have kids.

But Christmas is what we're dealing with today. Matt and I are trying to manage two families in different places, work obligations, a dog
and oh so many schedules.

But even through the headaches, I'm very excited for Christmas. It's one of my favorite times of year, and lately, just about the only time I get to see family …

Now I'm done with that for now and I'm busy working … plus watching Dr. Phil. The Dr. Phil family is on every Thursday. I find them morbidly fascinating.

And boneless, skinless chicken breasts were on sale, so I'm making some stuff to freeze because we bought a ton. Mmmm… Chicken

Indian Summer

After it got pretty cold pretty fast, we're getting our indian summer. It's been beautiful the past couple of days!

Tomorrow, they're opening a Michaels within walking distance of our apartment. That's awesome because there aren't really any good craft stores in Madison that I've found … mostly hit and miss or sewing stuff. So now I've got a place to get supplies.

GG was good last night. They've already had some really good one-liners this season. I'm looking for some interesting plot stuff to start happening soon. Rory's cut her hair, so there's the start of it.


Matt and I worked all weekend. Which sounds boring, but sadly, we like work, so it really wasn't. Honsetly, we did do a few other things. We walked probably about 15 miles total. We watched Trading Spaces 100 Grand as well as Alias. Both were fab-u-lous. We went to Target to buy TP and paper towels, but on two separate occasions. Hehe. And we ran some other miscellaneous errands like that.

We also tried to make butter toffee (link below) but that was a pretty big bust. Once I get a bit more butter, I'm determined to try it again. I want to get this right!!

I'm off again! I have to work and clean and run errands. It's very exhasting being me.

Games You Play With Your Dog

We like to let may go to sleep (this is easy because she sleeps almost constantly) and then put a bit of fragrant food (she loves bread) right under her nose. It's quite amusing for us to see her wake up to the smell of her favorite food. Almost indescribably amusing and funny. Plus, she gets a nibble.

Baseball Schmaseball

Can someone tell me who watches baseball on TV anymore? I know plenty of people who enjoy taking in a game on a nice summer afternoon, but watching it on TV? Is there anything more boring? Well, probably yes, but who can really count grass growing or paint drying?

Having said that, the powers that be are usually considerate enough to hold baseball games during non-prime-time TV hours. So while they may pre-empt Judge Judy or As the World Turns, nothing of any real viewing importance is lost.

But for some reason which remains a mystery to me, right when some of the best fall TV is coming on, baseball suddenly gets moved to prime time. Now I understand that these are “playoffs” and the “world series” and therefore theoretically 100 times more important than regular baseball, but 100×0 still = 0.

So I've Got A Few Suggestions for Baseball:
1. Limit the World Series to ONE game. We don't need a series. One game is painful enough. And maybe sudden death would be good. First team to score a point wins. That would take a few hours anyhow.
2. Let them play in the rain. If they melt, so be it, but I'll tell you a bitta slippin and sliding and butter-fingering balls, would surely liven up the game.
3. Next time those wussy career-whiners go on strike, disband the league and let 'em work go work at McDonald's.


I absolutely love catalogs. It's like shopping, but you don't have to deal with annoying sales people who hover. You don't have to feel weird about browsing for hours and not buying anything and their an awesome place to get ideas for stuff you want to make.

I've gotten a couple of new catalogs recently. I think my favorite is Oriental Trading Company. It's filled with cheap stuff you can buy in bulk. A lot of it is chincy party favor sort of stuff, but man, if you're looking for good theme decorations (Tiki, Halloween, Jungle) it's definitely the place to go. I also got a really great beading catalog. It's got tons of neat beads you can't find just anywhere and other good findings.

And the best thing about catalogs … they're free!!