Work Work Work Work Work.

I'm busy working as usual. Right now I'm doing a bunch of stuff to this site … adding wishlists for Matt and I and working in some editing features that I should have done a loooong time ago.

Tonight, we've got to clean the house. It's icky-gross and can be put off no longer.

I found this incredibly cool thing yesterday. It's a blogging service that you can post images to remotely from your digital camera or camera phone. So you're out at the beach and you can take pictures which automatically post to your web page. That's prety dern cool. The place is called textamerica. They're free, but I would have to use their blogging system and I like mine. I wrote it. It's totally customized TO ME. No generic junk for this girl.

Alright. Now I've blogged before I mess anything up too bad.