Feel it HOT! HOT! HOT!

We live in Wisconsin, yet it is so hot in our apartment building that we almost never run the heat. In fact, quite the opposite, we almost always run the A/C. It's quite irritating, really … and expensive.

I found a couple of really cool photo sites … Image Cafe and istockphoto. I particularly like istockphoto because you can upload your own photographs in exchange for credits that you can either get cashed out or you can use towards getting stock photos from them. The only problem is that I don't have a digital camera that's good enough to produce pictures acceptable for the site. Boo hoo. You need 2 MP and I've only got 1.3 MP. Blah. Maybe later.

What else? Hmmm… I've got real work to do on Jesser and now I shall probably do that. Blah. Lots of icky programmy stuff. I hope I have the head for it today.

Oh yes! I got an excellent deal on headphones at amazon marketplace. They're very nice wireless headphones that are regularly almost $90 and I found them for $17 plus S&H. So I was quite jazzed. I really couldn't pass that sort of deal up. They're great too. They work flawlessly. Yea for amazon marketplace!!