We are still in Vail, enjoying our time away from life and I'll check in again later. But for now, a post I wrote last week …
Alright. I feel like I'm going nuts. Can I get your opinion here? I recently ran across this article about cruising with a toddler. A woman wrote in saying that she and her family had recently taken a cruise and though she felt she had researched the trip thoroughly, she was surprised (livid) to learn partway through her vacation that their two-year-old would not be allowed in the pool with a swim diaper on. Based on this fact and a lack-luster children's program, she had filed a complaint with Royal Caribbean and was requesting her son's fare be refunded. As to whether or not she deserves a refund or not, I'm unsure. The tone of the article seemed to me (though it isn't clearly spelled out) that she felt like she had asked ample questions before booking the cruise and felt like she should have been told about this beforehand. If I were a travel agent booking a cruise for someone with a toddler and knew of this rule, I'd be sure to point it out. A five-day cruise with a kid who doesn't have a lot to do in the way of activities doesn't seem like much of a vacation to me.
But what really got me were the comments people left after this seemingly innocuous article. Five pages strong and nary a one sympathized with this mom. Everyone was FLOORED that a parent would ever CONSIDER taking an “unhousebroken” child into a public pool and that she was little better than Hitler for even suggesting such a thing. They painted her to be a Momzilla, convinced that every drop of bodily fluid that exited her child's body was as lovely (and valuable) as frankencense and that she thought that everyone should be worshipping at the alter of her offspring. One commenter (page 3, name is Captain Rick, though I have other, less polite suggestions for his future moniker) even says that he and his wife did not take their own kids on ANY PUBLIC TRANSIT (including planes) until they were AT LEAST in THIRD GRADE and could conduct themselves “properly” and not be “a distraction” to other people. Continue reading “Things that make me go GRRRRRRR”