Things that make me go GRRRRRRR

We are still in Vail, enjoying our time away from life and I'll check in again later. But for now, a post I wrote last week …

Alright. I feel like I'm going nuts. Can I get your opinion here? I recently ran across this article about cruising with a toddler. A woman wrote in saying that she and her family had recently taken a cruise and though she felt she had researched the trip thoroughly, she was surprised (livid) to learn partway through her vacation that their two-year-old would not be allowed in the pool with a swim diaper on. Based on this fact and a lack-luster children's program, she had filed a complaint with Royal Caribbean and was requesting her son's fare be refunded. As to whether or not she deserves a refund or not, I'm unsure. The tone of the article seemed to me (though it isn't clearly spelled out) that she felt like she had asked ample questions before booking the cruise and felt like she should have been told about this beforehand. If I were a travel agent booking a cruise for someone with a toddler and knew of this rule, I'd be sure to point it out. A five-day cruise with a kid who doesn't have a lot to do in the way of activities doesn't seem like much of a vacation to me.

But what really got me were the comments people left after this seemingly innocuous article. Five pages strong and nary a one sympathized with this mom. Everyone was FLOORED that a parent would ever CONSIDER taking an “unhousebroken” child into a public pool and that she was little better than Hitler for even suggesting such a thing. They painted her to be a Momzilla, convinced that every drop of bodily fluid that exited her child's body was as lovely (and valuable) as frankencense and that she thought that everyone should be worshipping at the alter of her offspring. One commenter (page 3, name is Captain Rick, though I have other, less polite suggestions for his future moniker) even says that he and his wife did not take their own kids on ANY PUBLIC TRANSIT (including planes) until they were AT LEAST in THIRD GRADE and could conduct themselves “properly” and not be “a distraction” to other people. Continue reading “Things that make me go GRRRRRRR”

10 Years

10 years ago we became us. We were friends first and while we don't know a lot of the “dates that matter,” we did pause those many years ago and note this date. We were freshmen in college. I doubt either of us knew for sure we'd still be together 10 years down the road, but I think we both thought that it was the start of something big.

10 years later, we have created a whole life together. It has moved from college to marriage to parenthood. We have lived in three states, a few different apartments and houses, miscellaneous jobs and even two dogs, not to mention two kids.

I'd be lying if I said there aren't times that he drives me absolutely bonkers (and to be fair, I'm know I am likewise maddening on a regular basis), but the good is far more memorable than most of the bad and much more frequent too. We make an awesome team. We have very complimentary strengths and yet still enjoy many of the same things. And I've never had a moment's regret about saying “I do.”

While friends talk about how their husbands have never fed their kids dinner or put them to bed, I can honestly say that Matt is every bit as much parent as I am. Sure we do things differently, but he is every bit as competent and confident with Tabby as I am. And I really look forward to him raising a son as well. We make a damn good team and there is no one else I'd rather wake up to every day.

I've greatly enjoyed the past 10 years and I eagerly anticipate what the next 10 will bring. Here's to my husband and best friend, Matt and to many many more lovely years.

Busily Busy

• Matt is away until tomorrow. We miss him a lot (and our normal routine), but we also get to eat girl food and snuggle in Mommy's bed and watch cooking shows (Alton Brown is the fave).
• I am working on a new theme for the site since I am sick of winter. So Sick. It is going to be pretty plain since it may stay up for a while.
• There is no comfortable position to sleep in anymore.
• We are going away for the weekend. Yay!
• I have to pack up all our junk. Booo.
• The forecast is for it to be in the 60s today! And it's supposed to stay around there for the foreseeable future (10 days out).
• I made a great dinner last night that took about 5 minutes (prep) and 25 to cook: rotisserie chicken + roasted potatoes & broccoli. I never knew how awesome roasted broccoli is. Tabby ate a ton of it too.
• My parents are feeding us tonight.
• March is looking like it is going to go *really* fast. It is full to bursting with events and birthdays and appointments … not to mention getting ready for BB's arrival.
• I better find some stuff to occupy us in April, because otherwise, I have a feeling that it will go very slowly.

Day Tripper

Today marks 30 wks along. Holy hell … when did that happen?!? Anyhoo, links for you since I am behind after over 2 weeks of sickness.

• Some Bingo Cards for your Oscar Party
• *LOVE* this kitchen storage cabinet. I swear if Matt hadn't just built me a great spice rack, I would be buying one. Oh yea, it would also have to be cheaper.
• An alarm clock made from MDF so you can decorate it yourself. Weird.
• A website for making commitment contracts (I will lose 10 lbs, I will stop biting my nails, etc.).
Quiverfull?!? Just … *shudder*
• Take a hike! No, seriously, find a great hike with
• Tons of foods you can make yourself … potato chips, granola, hummus, saltines, etc.
• really really cute Valentine's Day cookies
• Even though I don't think it would work with our DSLR, I can't help but want one of these tiny wireless digital photo printers
Latex leggings?? Not now, not ever. Weird.
• love the stamps in this Etsy shop
Microsoft giving away free domains and hosting? Shuuut up!
• Check out these two great inventions: 1) (more) universal power outlet 2) under-the-sink composting

Believe it or Not …

• I am still sick (ish).
• We had the preschool tour from hell on Friday (this deserves its own post/rant).
• Tabby ate over a cup of oatmeal for breakfast yesterday and then a 1/4 lb burger for dinner (miscellaneous snacks and lunch in between)
• I actually saw a movie … Confessions of a Shopaholic
• We spent Valentine's Day in and I made Matt the world's unhealthiest casserole (also his fave)
• We went with friends to the aquarium on Saturday and Tabby was fascinated and thrilled to see the eel (the same eel that makes my skin crawl)
• We spent $120 on CO detectors (this, after a friend of mine and her kiddo nearly died from CO poisoning)
• Bunco hosting went well, but I didn't win any $$.
• I am thrilled to be back at work.


Things are going on as normal around here. It snowed last night and gave my ABS a good workout on the way into work this AM, but it didn't take too long. My health is improving and last night we got almost all of the food made up for Bunco tomorrow night. Tonight I can just spiff up the house a bit and that will be that. Matt has been a huge help (he always is) and thank goodness for that since I am a bit pathetic at standing for too long after a long day and moving around my stand mixer and such.

Miss Tabby is a bit off her schedule. She didn't want to nap when I got home from work last night and she was about ready for bed when we were eating dinner. But otherwise, she seems to be mostly healthy again aside from a little cough. Her sitter described her behavior yesterday as “onery.” I think she was darn glad to get out of the house and have a bit of fun somewhere else.

I am seeing my OB today. Well actually not my OB, since she is on some mysterious extended leave (hope she's OK) but should be back before the end of the month, but my NP. I have seen her for the last two or three visits. No big deal except that I wanted to get my OB's take on vbac vs. scheduled C since I still haven't decided. And the zillions of stories on the net about zealots raging against the medical machine haven't been a lot of help in the decision making process (where have all the normal people gone??). I also get to toast almost 29 weeks with a giant glug of that orange stuff and a couple of needles in my arm. Yay!

Now if I can just remember not to mainline the Valentine's day candy that's invaded the office and pass. Happy Wednesday.

Planning: Warm Weather!!

I think we're starting to get over THE CRUD at our house. Tabby slept the whole night in her own bed last night (yay!) and my bite is once again worse than my bark. All the time I was lying low feeling cruddy, I was longing for spring.

I generally love the changing seasons and anticipate each one and the things it brings. I'd never want to live somewhere where we didn't get TRUE seasons. That said, I am officially sick of winter (even though it hasn't been particularly harsh or long this year) and want spring and SUMMER. The sooner the better. Of course the fact that I am getting really antsy to meet our baby boy doesn't hurt either. Neither does looking forward to maternity leave. Not that it's a walk in the park with a newborn, but still. It has some pretty amazing moments if I remember correctly.

I am finding myself thinking longingly of the garden we grew last year. And I suddenly feel like I must read Animal Vegetable Miracle again. I also ordered my Seed Savers catalog. It will make for something lovely reading material while I watch the snow fall.

My plans for our garden:
• I am not bothering with teeny tomatoes … they're cute and all, but you need a lot to do much with and we don't have a ton of space.
• I am going to read up on what the heck to do with the squash (pruning wise) since it kind of took over the garden and yet didn't do much.
• One word: strawberries.
• Herbs are going into pots … it sounded like a good idea to have them in the beds, but they got lost in the greenery.
• We are getting the big metal cages for our tomatoes … they were a pain in the butt to stake with bamboo rods and string and didn't end up looking a lick better than the metal cages would've looked.
• Wonder if we can grow popcorn?