
We had a busy busy weekend. I am so happy with what we got done though. Friday I used my work-free half day to clear out a ton of magazines and other junk from my office, reorganize our master bathroom and make a station dedicated to wrapping gifts. I also may have sort of passed out in bed for an hour. I can't recall. We made Baja Fish Tacos for dinner – AWESOME. We tried to go swimming but we mis-timed it and ended up playing at the indoor playground and then going to Sonic for cream slushies.

Saturday was our work day. My parents met us for breakfast and we had baby hand-off. Tabby had a fun-filled day going to the salon, MacDonald's, Toys R Us and then running around my parents' backyard. Matt and I meanwhile attacked our proejcts with fury. I extracted no less than five containers (bags, boxes, etc.) of crap from our master bedroom closets. They look organized and AMAZING. Matt got five hours closer to having Tabby's toddler bed done -actually maybe even closer than that since we made a decision at the end of the day that cut back the scope of the project, saving us money, time, and most importantly, space. Dinner with my parents and sister capped off the day.

Today was our play day. We earned it. Though we did start it of with a bit of housecleaning and a trip to Good Will, we went swimming at the rec center, had lunch at Sonic and played around. We started clean-up in the backyard, getting ready to plant the garden. Not so much playtime for us, but definitely play time for Tabby, our outdoor girl.

For our last trick of the evening, we
cooked dinner for tonight (chicken thing – it was OK) and a double-batch of shepherd's pie, one for later this week and one to freeze for after the baby comes.

It's Friday, Fools!

I love Friday. It means turning off my alarm instead of just resetting it. It is usually a short day for me at work. That's not bad either. I also turn over a “new week” of pregnancy. 34 weeks down, 5-6 to go.

This weekend promises a good balance of fun and work. This afternoon, I am leaving Tabby at her sitters for a little while and attempting one of the many projects on my “before Baby Boy Comes” to-do list. After Tabby pickup and a nap (fingers crossed), tonight we are making fish tacos and hanging out around the house. We may screen a Disney movie Tabby has never seen before.

Tomorrow, we are meeting my parents for breakfast and Tabby drop off. She is going to spend the day with them while Matt and I are at home. I am going to work on more of that to-do list and Matt is going to his wood shop for hours of (hopefully) uninterrupted work time so he can finish Tabby's toddler bed (and we can start the whole bedroom switcheroo). We plan to meet up with my parents later for dinner and relaxation. It is supposed to be gorgeous, so maybe we can eat outside.

Sunday there are no official plans yet. Since it is still supposed to be gorgeous, it might be a great time to play in the dirt and start getting our yard ready for summer.

Happy Friday, Y'all!

You Want I Should Post?

Alright. Links.

• Why does Japan get all the cool stuff?? Better cell phones AND giant walking robot coke machines. Not to mention Hello Kitty Karaoke Bars.
• People need to mind their own biznassss: Exhibit A
• Very cool Barbie Dream Houses
• Many ways to put a new spin on an old fave … popcorn!
• File under “C” for “Cool Craft” … the recycled phone book desk organizer
• Make You Tube safe(er) for the kiddies with the Kideo Player
• another fun kitchen experiment: make butter in your food processor (sounds easier than shaking a jar for like 80 years)
• love these fun Jello Watermelon Snacks!
• And in the same vein, Burger Cupcakes
• an interesting article about how to be a great parent (hint: it doesn't mean sacrificing yourself to the wants/needs of your kid)
• gotta love these call out cards for dealing with difficult people
• this teeny garden makes me smile
• check out this awesome birthday surprise
• my nerdy organizational self loves calendars … you can print custom ones at Calendar Labs
cute placecard holders made from wine corks … not that I've ever actually used place cards, but I'll pretend!

Birthday Party

Saturday was one of our best friend's kids birthdays. Mr. Liam turned three! Matt and I were there not long after he was born and have spent a lot of time with him over the past three years. He and Tabby are great pals (despite being almost a year apart) and always have tons of fun together. He is a delightful little guy and we loved celebrating his birthday with him. It was a swim party, so in addition to the cake and balloons, singing and presents, there was swimming. And a big ol' waterslide. Tabby apparently doesn't really remember the last time we took her down a big waterslide, so she was really excited for this and went down dozens of times (with one of her many adoring adults). Can you guess how long it took her to pass out on the way home? Yea. That'd be about 5 minutes … and only that long because she was starving and busy mowing down her snack.

We rounded out the day with a trip to the dog park and a dinner with my parents and sister. I made *awesome* cookies too. Yay me.

Birthday Weekend

We officially spoiled the heck out of the kid this weekend. We started out on Friday with a b'day dinner with Uncle Andrew. Saturday was a more formal celebration. We hit Build-a-Bear to start off, which Tabby seemed to enjoy but found overwhelming. She took away a very cute dog with cammo clothes, red ear flowers and a pink fuzzy dog bed … pretty funny.

Tea was a bit more to her liking, particuarly the tea part. She wasn't terribly hungry by the time we could have tea, which was sort of a bummer, but she did get hugel into opening presents. She got lovely things from everyone … books, clothes, a computer, gardening tools, little animals, cooking tools, and on and on. Totally spoiled. Best of all, she got tons of attention from her guests and had a great time. We went back to our house afterwards for a nap (Tabby) and playing with the new toys. She was begging for bedtime by 8 PM.

Today with the weatherman promising temps into the high 50s (ended up low 60s!) we headed off to the zoo. It was a gorgeous day and we had a picnic lunch outside and soaked up the sun. Tabby was totally into the animals and loved running around like a crazy girl. Of course she crashed on the way home and we both had a nice nap.

Now it's late and I'm happy to say that we had a great weekend full of lots of fun and the house is even reasonably clean and in order. Yay!

Links for the Weekend

32 weeks today, people and I may actually get to see my doctor (last seen 12 wks ago) today!

For no particular reason … a few links for you:
• Some cute birthday cakes … sorry Tabs, maybe next year
• Next time you're at IKEA, why not dress as a pile of paper
• these storage tins are very cute
• a recipe search dedicated to all natural recipes
• I will have to see if my Borders has these great kiddo plates & containers
• great Babble article about vaccines and autism
• I vividly remember making snowfall icecream once when I was a kid … I will have to do this with Tabby next winter
• check out these neat storage bins
• this coat rack/calendar thing is a neat idea
• $26 bucks nets you 17 meals
drop off your old cell phone at Best Buy
• I guess In God We Trust isn't cutting it anymore
• DIY a portable art studio for the kiddos
• I seriously ♥ these glass jar frames
One Penny Post takes most of the manual labor of mailing a postcard … but so does Premium Postcard … for less
• Hope I can make it to San Fran before this cool tiki bar closes!

That's it from me for now … have a great weekend! Over and out.


Do I have to be a grown-up today? Seriously? Work stress. Personal stress. Headache. I'm so not in the mood to keep calm and carry on.

Let's make a happy list.
• Tabby is so freaking cute and sweet I could just about burst when I look at her.
• Tabby got lovely b'day wishes from people near and far (thanks!) and loved them all.
• The five hours of sleep I got last night were mostly uninterrupted and pretty good (no weird dreams).
• This kid is making his debut in approx 60 days, probably less if we go ahead with the C. He even has a name.
• It is gorgeous again today … 66!!
• My sister has sweetly agreed to watch Tabby so Matt and I can make quick work of the 5 errands we need to run tonight.
• I do not have to cook tonight … and actually, I haven't cooked all week.
• The magic faeries clean my house tomorrow.
• I get to go to prenatal yoga on Sunday.
• I remembered (!) to renew Tabby's prescription AND move my hair appointment AND make reservations for Tabby's b'day party.
• One Tivo, three eps of The Office I haven't watched. W00t!