Grumpy Weekend

Gah. I'm almost glad for Monday. That's what kind of weekend it has been. Usually when I feel the sickies coming on, I can batton down the hatches, drink loads of fluids, get tons of sleep and generally not get it too bad. But we missed our naps last week. See, I purposefully get to work way early so that I can get off early and then come home and take a nap with Tabby. She really doesn't nap unless someone naps with her. Two hours later we are refreshed and can have a nice evening. But all last week, the gods conspired against us and we did not have naps. I had to work late. I had to go to the doctor. Matt forgot to pick Tabby up and I had to run get her. It was a perfect storm for getting sick. So all of us are.

Tabby and I have it the worst, hacking horrible coughs and snotty running noses. Tabby has a bit of a fever. She has gone from such a fun baby to completely whiny and demanding. She also wants to snuggle constantly and requests to go home and to go to sleep. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. And we are in the same boat … me being pregnant and her being a small child, we cannot take much in the way of meds (not that I've ever found cold meds particular helpful unless they knock you on your butt), so we sleep and drink tea and grump at Matt who is doing his best to put up with us.

As a result, we did not do much this weekend. We had to get out and run errands. We did go to dinner with my parents and grandma. A few loads of laundry got done. That is really about it. The house that was perfectly clean on Friday has fallen into shambles around my ears. I don't care a whole lot either.

We've got a busy week ahead of us as usual and I just hope we're all feeling better soon or it's going to be a real slog. Hope your weekend was better than ours!

Elsewhere on the Web

craft projects using paint samples
spring pad is a meal planning tool that I want to try out
• you fellow photoshop nerds will appreciate these photo display boards
nerd merit badges and female merit badges … interesting concept
• ever heard of a bokeh before? me neither, but it makes really cool photo effects … and you can DIY one for your camera
• like this cute heart scarf
• how to instantly age your photos
• someday, I'm totally turning my handwriting into a font
• creepy superbowl snack display
Samoa Bars (like the Girlscout cookies) sound very tasty and interesting
• check out this fascinating house on wheels
• love these scans of a 1917 catalog
• I was seriously tempted to buy this anti-Valentine's shirt.woot (mostly because it says “meh” on it) … but I didn't
• this advertisement for ballet lessons made me smile too
• baby boy may be getting his own custom-made blanky
• love these iron-on letters in fun fabrics
more proof we should stop obsessing over cleanliness
• creepy zombie Hello Kitty cake (just for yvett)
• thought these cheap portable solar cookers were fascinating
• another great Etsy find: Dick & Jane lampshades
• everyone can file their taxes online for free this year
paint that keeps your wireless network safe(er)
• a cool tattoo (and I'm not a big fan of tattoos)
Foodzie. Check it out.

The Haps

Life has been moving so fast I have to give it to you in bullets.

• Baby boy has been busy holding his own circus in my abdomen. I love that.
• Tabby is preparing for BB's arrival by turning into the fiercest mamabear to her dolls (she practically imploded when a friend sat on her doll).
• I have a head cold which is not making me smarter or more patient. But it doesn't seem to be too bad. And it's not strep. Yay.
• I don't care what Michael Phelps smoked.
• Matt bought a carpet shampooer off Craigslist for $45 and cleaned our carpets.
• My RSS feed is not working right now (at least I don't think so) … no idea why.
• Facebook really is a black hole because it SUCKS TIME.
• I am so freaking sorry for those 14 kid and their wackadoo mom.
• Matt's dog (who still lived with his mom) had to be put to sleep. She was 12. Very sad.
• I have been working late all week which leaves no room for our naps … which means Tabby is going to bed between 6:30 and 7. I miss her!
Twinings Peach Flavored Black Tea is my new favorite.
• Despite being blogless for the past few days, I have been collecting some great links. I will share soon.
• Despite being blogless for the past few days, I have not been more motivated to use my camera.
• I missed you all very much!!


I am seriously going to stop complaining. Seriously. Because everytime I do, something way worse happens. My technology problems of the last post? A faint memory.

I will not go into it because you don't need the gorey details, but basically, my old host screwed things up good … and they never were able to even get back to me, let alone make things right, so I went to a new host. In the course of switching, lots of stuff got screwed up.

So things are just now getting right and the site may be a bit screwy for a couple of days until I can actually invest some time in working on the site.

Myself My Motherboard *

I have no idea what is up, but for the past two days, technology and I have not been seeing eye-to-eye.

Last night after Tabby had snuggled down in her crib, I sat down to play some much-needed catch-up. After an hour of beating my head against the LCD screen, I just gave up. My computer has become insolent. I install something, it acts like it's been installed without issue, but then when I go to load it … nothing. No error messages. No splash screens. No NOTHING. Like it didn't get my request. And this isn't an isolated problem. At least three pieces of software are having this problem and they're from a few different vendors. After troubleshooting for another half hour (no malware, viruses, spyware, trojans or anything else bad found), I decided to give up and play a game. Guess what wouldn't load. Luckily the TV will still do my bidding.

Then this AM I checked my email on my phone as I was getting ready for work. I get a weather update every morning, so I always have at least 1 email and usually around 15 others. This AM? Nothing. Weird, I think, so I investigate and learn that my phone has decided (despite no change in settings) to download the entire contents of my inbox (some 3000+ messages), where it normally just keeps the past three days or so. This has completely bogged down my phone and it will no longer get the new messages (it's too busy with the old) and since it's in this endless freaking cycle of downloading, I can't change (or even look at!) settings. After some creative use of the reset button and some other trickery, I seem to have at least fixed that situation. Of course I had to wait a good 10 minutes after it wised-up and remembered it wasn't supposed to have all that old email and then had to delete it.

So to recap: no games, no work, but at least I have my phone.

* title “borrowed” from Sex and the City

Quiet Time

I find myself with less to say than usual. Actually that's inaccurate. I have plenty to say, just not the option to say it. In addition to that, somehow, just the normal life processes are taking more of my energy than they usually do. I haven't quite had it in my to get out the camera or make anything terribly interesting for dinner or anything like that.

This weather hasn't been helping a lot either. The lovely week we had last week was just a teaser (as we knew it would be) and we're now experiencing single degree temps (on both sides of 0). I am trying not to leave the house unless I absolutely have to.

But I am enjoying some of the little things that have been going on. For instance, our sitter reported to me yesterday that Tabby spent all day singing Happy Birthday. We have not celebrated a lot of b'days in recent memory … most everyone we celebrate is in summer. I have no idea where she got this. I also told her last night to tell Matt she loved him SOOO MUCH and she did and opened her arms wide when she said “SOOO MUCH!” I'm surprised he's not dead from heart-melt.

In My Life

• I finally had a major breakthrough on a work project this week. I am so happy to have it (95%) done.
• My Nutty Bars (#2 on the top ten list of things I shouldn't be eating) have not been recalled due to the peanut butter salmonella scare … I suspect this is because they don't actually contain real peanut
• It has been unseasonably warm around here … 60s! multiple days in a row. It is LOVELY. We've been taking walks again. What the heck did I ever want winter for??
• Sounds like we'll be going to see Slumdog Millionaire on Friday. I'm very much looking forward to that
• We had a budget review last night … we knew daycare costs doubling was going to suck … we just didn't quite grasp how MUCH
• I am hosting Bunco in about 3 weeks … and I'm thinking of making breakfast for dinner … what do you guys think? What would you make with it?
• I know it will fall apart as soon as the baby arrives (if not sooner), but I have been doing weekly goal setting for the past couple of weeks and it has been going pretty well so far … I think I found the key: attainable goals. Baby steps as they say …
• As much as I'd been trying to avoid Facebook (nothing against it, except that I need another time black hole like a fish needs a bicycle), all my mom's group peeps are really into it so I guess I'll do as Romans (moms) do
• Everyone's been speculating as to what was in the note Bush left for Obama … military secrets, an apology, the combo to the safe, a few of his best White House jokes … me? I'm pretty sure it's his secret BBQ sauce recipe. I mean … think about it.

Inaguration Day Links

It's been a long time since I've done the links. I think I remember that I was going to do them more often. So much for that concept.

• one of the cutest playhouses I've seen
• Hello Kitty's cool and all, but I think there's a bit too much pink going on at this Hello Kitty maternity hospital
• a really interesting article on how to spot a good teacher
• some really unique and cool Christmas cards
• hilarious big three bail out ad
• make Hanukkah more exciting with no limit Texas Dreidel (tournament coming soon to the Travel Channel)
• I too now want a hole in my wall
• gotta love it: punk gingerbread men
Barbie to commemorate Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds … WTF?
• put your kids to work
open source vector graphics program … in case it's too much effort to pirate something mainstream (or you're ethical)
• possibly the most creative cupcakes I've ever seen: snow globe cupcakes
• turns out poinsettas aren't poisonous
make your photos look like models instead of real life with
• pretty storage for art supplies
DIY Ramen = Healthier Ramen
• a great list of things to make
ornament project for next year!
free ebook for hard times
• how to frost your windows
DIY vanilla extract … what a cool idea!