
We had a busy busy weekend. I am so happy with what we got done though. Friday I used my work-free half day to clear out a ton of magazines and other junk from my office, reorganize our master bathroom and make a station dedicated to wrapping gifts. I also may have sort of passed out in bed for an hour. I can't recall. We made Baja Fish Tacos for dinner – AWESOME. We tried to go swimming but we mis-timed it and ended up playing at the indoor playground and then going to Sonic for cream slushies.

Saturday was our work day. My parents met us for breakfast and we had baby hand-off. Tabby had a fun-filled day going to the salon, MacDonald's, Toys R Us and then running around my parents' backyard. Matt and I meanwhile attacked our proejcts with fury. I extracted no less than five containers (bags, boxes, etc.) of crap from our master bedroom closets. They look organized and AMAZING. Matt got five hours closer to having Tabby's toddler bed done -actually maybe even closer than that since we made a decision at the end of the day that cut back the scope of the project, saving us money, time, and most importantly, space. Dinner with my parents and sister capped off the day.

Today was our play day. We earned it. Though we did start it of with a bit of housecleaning and a trip to Good Will, we went swimming at the rec center, had lunch at Sonic and played around. We started clean-up in the backyard, getting ready to plant the garden. Not so much playtime for us, but definitely play time for Tabby, our outdoor girl.

For our last trick of the evening, we
cooked dinner for tonight (chicken thing – it was OK) and a double-batch of shepherd's pie, one for later this week and one to freeze for after the baby comes.

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