Hey Peter, What's Haaaapening?

So aside from the ridiculously cute kiddos and the going back to work stuff, what's going on with us? Here's a recap:

Matt and I have a 10K (6.2 miles) to run on (eep!) Saturday. Matt will do fine … me? Well I am trying hard, but I probably will not quite be able to run the whole thing. 2/3 … 3/4? I'm sure to be sore on Sunday. Perhaps that's why there's beer at the after party?

What else? Hmm … The basement is moving right along. We are pretty much done with one of the hardest things: getting it cleaned out. We still have a few items listed on Craigslist, but a bunch have sold and a few we've given up on and hauled off to Goodwill. We've pocketed quite a bit of cash and seriously decluttered our basement. Matt has done the layout for it and we are now getting input on it from some experts. We hope to break ground within the next week or so. To say I'm a bit nervous about this doesn't even come close. I work in construction and know many of the ins and outs of what can go wrong on a job done by professionals … my husband and brother-in-law at the helm? Yikes. But I have a ton of confidence in Matt. He is a perfectionist and researches everything to the nth degree and does quality work and makes good decisions. I'm sure it will be fine.

And after over two years of just faking it, Matt and I are going to finally learn how to be proper parents. I have signed us up for Love and Logic parenting classes, hosted by Matt's employer and our own loving HMO, Kaiser. It is going to be a pretty big time investment – two hours per week for 7 weeks – but I hope it will pay dividends in the future. Continue reading “Hey Peter, What's Haaaapening?”


We are planning a staycation. I really dislike that word, but that's what it is. We don't really want to spend the $$ or go through the hassle of actual travel, so next week, I am locking up Matt's (work) computer and we are going to play! I am so excited.

Here are some of the thing on our agenda:

• visit Little Monkey Business
• go berry picking at Berry Parch Farms
• train for our 10k
• visit Tiny Town
• go to the aquarium
• eat at The Shoppe
• check out Hmart
• visit the zoo
• take a hike
• get a couple of things done around the house

I doubt we'll get around to ALL of it, but I hope to take a good chunk out of that list. More than anything, I'm looking forward to spending time with Matt and the kids as a family.

Life in Progress

*Written a couple of days ago.*

I am sitting on the floor of our family room as I write this. Ben is sitting in front of me in his swing, cooing and kicking and smiling. He loves his swing. He is such a big boy these days … but still my baby. I can hear Miss Tabby playing in the other room, singing and talking to herself. She is stacking blocks. This is a favorite past time lately.

I just got finished doing some cooking. We have been busy and cooking (real cooking, not just heating stuff up or making sandwiches) has been neglected. I just finished some Sweet Potato Hummus. My lord is that stuff good! I could eat it spoonful after spoonful. It was a bit too spicy for Tabby. She will not like dinner either … Tyler's Ultimate Fajitas … but they are daddy's favorite and he does get to pick every once in a while.

Lately, Monday has been library night. Tabby is loving her library books, though tonight, she must go in and explain that a page got torn in an especial favorite. This is a first … she is usually so careful with them. But she brought this one to bed with her and somehow, a page got torn. I know she feels awful about it. I get to pickup some miscellaneous books for myself. I am trying to read more, though it is a battle at this point.

It is a blissfully slow week. We don't have a lot planned … just my b'day dinner on Wednesday … take 2. It was supposed to happen Saturday, but I was sick. We are also likely going to join a new gym. I am excited about that. Our current one doesn't take babies in their nursery (1 and up only), so it is rather useless at the moment. This one is much nicer and Tabby actually flipped out when we tried to take her home from the nursery on our trial visit. That would never happen at our current gym … they don't have a bouncy castle.

Now I must scurry … Matt is done with work for the day and our evening can commence. Yay.

On My 29th Birthday

On My 29th Birthday, I …
… put pigtails in my daughter's hair
… ate a pineapple upside-down cupcake
… had a lovely lunch out with my mommy (who made this day possible)
… got birthday wishes from friends and family near and far (thanks!)
… had a snuggly nap with my son
… went to Target (cuz it's a day ending in 'y' )
… went for a 50 minute run
… watched my new favorite show with my darling husband
… had the sweetest little voice sing Happy Birthday “to my mommy”
… watched our dog lick cupcake off my daughter's hands (for like 3 minutes straight)
… visited the library with my family
… watched my son smile and coo
… had a wonderful birthday!

You're Still Here? Wow.

Thanks for hanging in there with me. I plan to get back to blogging regularly when I'm back at work and in a better routine. Since I last checked in, we spent a bunch of time preparing for family reunion, attending family reunion and recovering from family reunion … because it was fun, really fun, but exhausting. Tabby ran around like crazy with all her age mates and consumed way too much sugar and didn't get enough sleep. Ben was pretty happy to be passed from person to person and was generally happy, but didn't sleep as long or consistently and I think the general upheaval sort of got to him. And of course, Matt and I had a nice time catching up with family from near and far.

Once back home, we've hit the ground running AGAIN. Monday we slept a lot. Tuesday I went to work and we went to see Indiana Jones at Film on the Rocks. Today I spent the entire morning running around trying to find a replacement adapter for my Medela Pump in Style (I have some choice words about Babies R Us if you're interested).

I'm floored that I only have about a month of maternity leave left. I have been having so much fun hanging with my little people and I know I will miss it lots. They are so amazing and amusing and while I cannot say I love every minute, there are so many lovable minutes, that the hair-pulling-out ones just fade into the background.

You Want I Should Post??

So … yea. The days, they go by. Really quickly. Summer is always like that for us, but this seems doubly so, what with two little ones to keep up with.

The kids are doing well. I keep meaning to sit Tabby down for a little video interview, but as the child never sits still, it is difficult. She continues to talk up a storm and I can hardly believe the funny stuff she comes up with. Her most recent acquisition is a pair of Barbie roller skates that she is thrilled beyond thrilled with. And she can now be seen scooting along in our kitchen with her bunny rabbit helmet on. What? We have to have the floors refinished anyhow.

Meanwhile, at less than 3 months old, Ben has doubled his birth weight and is now 15 lbs!! He's long too and I am thinking he'll be out-growing his infant carrier well before his first birthday. After carrying him for over an hour in our Bjorn last weekend, my back was killing me, so this week I invested in a Beco so he can go on the back (once he has full control of his head … which is already at like 95%) and I am VERY happy with it. He is very alert and terribly charming and fun. Our little people are amazing!!

Matt and I are doing well too. We're both diving head first into workouts at the moment. Matt had the bright idea to run the Music City Marathon (not until next April and we haven't actually signed up yet!), so we're getting our butts in gear. The good news is that I finally feel like I can run with purpose … not fast yet, but longer at least. In any case, I'll take it!

And now it is time for bed!!

Legend … wait for it … dary!

I am savoring rare silence in my household. Both kiddos are napping and it's storming like mad outside. Colorado is gorgeous right now … we're way up on rain for the year and it is as green as it ever is in the spring … just beautiful!!

We've been having a great time these past few days. Wednesday night we went to Cafe Berlin to celebrate my sister's birthday. It was a long dinner, but both kiddos were as good as gold. Tabby went from lap to lap, showing off her knowledge of animals from her book and coloring with her awesome twisty crayons.

Thursday I put in a full day at the office while the kiddos hung out with Grammy and then we left for Vail that evening. The weekend was full of fun. We took walks through town, visited shops, gardens and playgrounds. And we spent lots of time at the condo, watching movies, playing games and cooking together …. and laughing A LOT.

On the way home from Vail, we stopped at Georgetown and took the kids on the train. It was good fun and Tabby loved it!!

Now we are back home and settling into the weekly routine. Working out. Laundry. Film on the Rocks is tonight. They're showing Office Space. Hopefully this rain will clear out and we can enjoy it.

Tomorrow, we are closing on our second re-fi since we bought this house. We got a rate of 4.875%, fixed, so we are really excited. It does mean we'll have to stay in the house for at least 14 more months to make up for the fees we'll pay, but we've pretty much decided that we want to stay here and remodel rather than move. We love it here and we want to make it work for a while longer, perhaps until we can find a piece of land and build a custom house … I can dream, right?

I must fly … bye bye … Laundry Calling!

Link Catch-Up

Like everything else lately, I'm behind on providing you with the latest and greatest from the WWW. But that doesn't mean I haven't been collecting them … hang on tight folks, this may be a long one:

• *awesome* carnival wedding, but I would probably faint if I saw how much it cost!
• before feminism: the 1964 Frederick's of Hollywood Catalog
• Mythbusters makes giant code wheel and auctions it with proceeds going to the EFF
• did you know that ROUSes (Rodents of Unusual size) actually exist? Here's one called a capybara (we have one of these in our zoo and I've always thought they were really cute!) and an interview with it's owner
• Tabby never would eat commercial baby food, but these Yo Baby Meals intrigue me
• obviously I cannot get it together to make Tabby a cute bubble dress, but I love the idea
• am enthralled by this spaghetti & meatballs cake
a cuter alternative to evite
• make cute baskets out of recycled magazines
• it's a whole new cheating world out there for today's school kids
• not going to the store always intrigues me … check out alice.com for drygoods delivery
• thought this hamburger and fries “cake” for father's day was awesome!
• best kitchen utensil holder EVER
ninja entry
pink party popcorn (a tongue twister for sure)
• mac people can now go paperless with a neatdesk, also for PC
cheapie DIY firepit, perfect for you city-dwellers
• business cards that snap apart into a spirograph?? Yes, please!
• we love our backyard movies! now you can too, for under $260 (backyard not included)
• I am fascinated to read this new book, Shop Class as Soul Craft, which expounds on the idea that we computer types crave tangible results instead of just files and seek out car repair, wood working and crafting
• fridge magnets become magnetic bookmarks
• great storage for kids
• a teeny tiny toolbox
• home made strawberry gelatin, no Jell-o in sight!
LEGO goes all Frank Lloyd Wright on us … I say, “awesome!”
• bizarre: spaghetti hot dogs
• awesome diorama art
free MP3s from amazon

Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few links that I did not post. To see all of my saved links, please check out my shared links page on Google!! You can even add it to bloglines or Google reader.

Bullets Over July

I can't seem to get it together lately. Pictures are stuck on the camera (I took care of this!). The house is a mess. I'm behind on everything from emails to errands. The good news is that we're having a lot of fun. Some of the goings on:

• Had a great 4th of July Bash at our friends' house, complete with fireworks, outdoor movie and tons of good food.
• Have been obsessively playing Sims 3 with my spare moments – like while I'm pumping (perhaps this is why things are falling apart at the seams? Nah.)
• Bought a Netbook for the kitchen … however I have not been cooking much.
• Have been loving the crap TV on ABC Family, particularly Make It or Break It
• Visited Cheyenne Mountain Zoo with the kiddos, aunties and Grammy … so much fun!
• Am actually able to run a couple of miles at a time (at a crawl compared to before pregnancy, but still!)
• Celebrated my sister's 27th b'day
• Went to the Royal Gorge (big hole in the ground)
• Went to my fave Italian restaurant, Biaggi's, for dinner – if there is one in your area, go visit it without delay and have the roasted beet salad – you will thank me!
• Had a lovely date night with my hubby and finally saw Star Trek – loved it!!
• Have practically every moment until the end of July all booked up, including some b'day parties, Bunco, and our family reunion
• My kiddo is finally napping, but still has NO interest in potty training

I will be back, hopefully soon, with a ton of new links and an update on my Tabby who turned 2.333333 on July 4.