Life in Progress

*Written a couple of days ago.*

I am sitting on the floor of our family room as I write this. Ben is sitting in front of me in his swing, cooing and kicking and smiling. He loves his swing. He is such a big boy these days … but still my baby. I can hear Miss Tabby playing in the other room, singing and talking to herself. She is stacking blocks. This is a favorite past time lately.

I just got finished doing some cooking. We have been busy and cooking (real cooking, not just heating stuff up or making sandwiches) has been neglected. I just finished some Sweet Potato Hummus. My lord is that stuff good! I could eat it spoonful after spoonful. It was a bit too spicy for Tabby. She will not like dinner either … Tyler's Ultimate Fajitas … but they are daddy's favorite and he does get to pick every once in a while.

Lately, Monday has been library night. Tabby is loving her library books, though tonight, she must go in and explain that a page got torn in an especial favorite. This is a first … she is usually so careful with them. But she brought this one to bed with her and somehow, a page got torn. I know she feels awful about it. I get to pickup some miscellaneous books for myself. I am trying to read more, though it is a battle at this point.

It is a blissfully slow week. We don't have a lot planned … just my b'day dinner on Wednesday … take 2. It was supposed to happen Saturday, but I was sick. We are also likely going to join a new gym. I am excited about that. Our current one doesn't take babies in their nursery (1 and up only), so it is rather useless at the moment. This one is much nicer and Tabby actually flipped out when we tried to take her home from the nursery on our trial visit. That would never happen at our current gym … they don't have a bouncy castle.

Now I must scurry … Matt is done with work for the day and our evening can commence. Yay.

3 Replies to “Life in Progress”

  1. I am going to have to check out that hummus recipe… and wow Ben does look so big… and cute… and I never understood gyms that didn't take babies… hello… mommy needs to get hot again… lol… when do you go back to work?

  2. Glad you found a new gym you liked.

    I must have lost my mind when I wrote girl on the facebook page when I saw Ben's photo. I swear for a second I thought it was a friend's baby. I have no idea how I did that. Sorry!

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