You're Still Here? Wow.

Thanks for hanging in there with me. I plan to get back to blogging regularly when I'm back at work and in a better routine. Since I last checked in, we spent a bunch of time preparing for family reunion, attending family reunion and recovering from family reunion … because it was fun, really fun, but exhausting. Tabby ran around like crazy with all her age mates and consumed way too much sugar and didn't get enough sleep. Ben was pretty happy to be passed from person to person and was generally happy, but didn't sleep as long or consistently and I think the general upheaval sort of got to him. And of course, Matt and I had a nice time catching up with family from near and far.

Once back home, we've hit the ground running AGAIN. Monday we slept a lot. Tuesday I went to work and we went to see Indiana Jones at Film on the Rocks. Today I spent the entire morning running around trying to find a replacement adapter for my Medela Pump in Style (I have some choice words about Babies R Us if you're interested).

I'm floored that I only have about a month of maternity leave left. I have been having so much fun hanging with my little people and I know I will miss it lots. They are so amazing and amusing and while I cannot say I love every minute, there are so many lovable minutes, that the hair-pulling-out ones just fade into the background.

6 Replies to “You're Still Here? Wow.”

  1. Keep soaking up those moments. The time goes so, so fast.

    LOOK at those two kiddos…you've got some serious treasure there, mom.

    BRU? Choice words? Nooooo ;0)

  2. Happy Birthday tomorrow, Jess! I hope it's a good one for you! I agree with the other comments–the picture of Tabby & Ben together is adorable.

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