Our break is over. It was just about the perfect length and certainly what we needed. By the end we were ready to head home. The kids (especially Ben) are super glad to be home in their own beds and I am glad to be back to my routine.
I skiied 3 days and Matt 4 and by Friday we were pretty fatigued, but we really had a great time. Tabby got out 3 times for a couple of hours and did great. She’s improving every time and most importantly, really enjoying herself.
It was a very big week in other ways too … Ben cut another tooth (5 now) and that gave us some difficulties with him. He napped even worse than usual and ate poorly (leading to bad sleep due to hunger). Tabby had her own breakthrough that at the risk of sounding mysterious I will not discuss at the moment lest I jinx it (though you can probably guess).
We left around 1 PM and after a stop for lunch and some traffic, made it home just before 4 PM. We unpacked and put away most of it and then took down and put away the Christmas tree and all related items. With the kids in bed, Matt and I have been tackling our own projects and catching up on this and that. Soon I will be turning off the laptop to focus on our messy bedroom and the tons of laundry that need folded and put away. Definitely back!