Snot Head, Pink Eye

A post about nothing:

So I was coming home from work yesterday and my eyes were driving me mad! They were so itchy and irritated. I thought I was having an allergy attack. But as soon as I looked in a mirror, I knew the truth … it is the dreaded pink eye. Very infectious, but very treatable. That is if the nurses line will ever call you back. Grrrrrr. Also that cold I was trying to stave off? It's hanging around. But at least it doesn't seem too bad. And I hope it's getting better.

Ben went to bed at like 6PM last night. Woke up just once for a bottle @ 2 AM and slept 'til after 6:30 this morning. Good boy! His night feeding keeps getting drawn out farther and we're hoping it will soon be eliminated (didn't I say that a couple of months ago?).

Tabby was sweetness personified last night. She came home in a great mood and completely turned around my grey mood with her songs and snuggles and chatter. After her brother was asleep, she was ever so content to watch Elmo's Christmas countdown while I cleaned the kitchen and folded laundry in my zombie like state (owing to little sleep and a snotty head). She melted down when she had to go to bed because she wanted to go back to the garage and chat with her Papa more (he was over, yet again, helping us stain trim – the man's a saint!!). Can hardly blame her.

Friday we had planned a shopping day. Both Matt and I off, and a friend of mine willing to watch Tabby for at least a few hours. We have very little shopping to do now though and I'm not sure how we'll spend our time. We do have a *very* messy house. We do have a lot of wrapping to do. But I always hate to spend an illicit(ish) free day with Matt doing chores. Seems like we should do something more fun! Meh.

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