Yowsa. That was one busy weekend. The only downside (besides having to work my arse off to work 40 hours in 4 days) to having my Fridays off that I can see is that our life is a bit more like college than you'd imagine: weekends start on Thursday evenings.
Thursday: work all day, come home a tad bit early, run 3 miles, pick up kids from sitters, dinner @ Wahoo's because I cannot stand to clean the kitchen again, Matt's brother comes over to play with kids, bedtime is late
Friday: playdate in the AM, late lunch, late nap, late run interrupted by my cat-napper, wake up Tabby from nap, dinner with friends, holy crap it's 9:30!, home late
Saturday: gym, drop kids with mom, lunch out, home to work on this and that, dinner with mom, sister, kids, head home around 9:30 (again)
Sunday: gym, birthday party, swimming at birthday party, home for lunch, kids down for naps, I go grocery shopping, come home, make dinner, long walk, clean playroom (from playdate on Fri), kids to bed, freelance work, relax and watch Chuck until too late.
It was really nice. I probably wouldn't have cut out a single thing (except maybe some of the WORK I had to do), but man am I tired this morning!!