I have about a zillion mosquito bites all over me. Seriously. There are 3 on my face … and needless to say all over my arms and legs … even my shoulders. Grrrrr. I know it wasn't this bad last year! Why did we have to have all this rain.
It's particularly bad around our apartment. I dunno who made up the landscaping scheme around here, but it is not good. It doesn't drain properly and then you've got standing water all over the place … which mosquitos love (or so I'm told).
Matt has burnt out his bug zappin' racket and I need to find him a new one so he can continue to wage war on our insect foes. Makes me think of Starship Troopers.
Speaking of which, they made a sequel to it!! Can ya even believe it?? I almost want to see it. I really enjoyed the first one … from a wow isn't this crappy point of view. I even have it on video (Blockbuster previewed … $3.99). Continue reading “Mosquitos and Movies and Tea”