Fun in the Sun

As I was on my mad-dash-to-the-land-of-all-that-is-unholy (Blockbuster) to return the very disappointing Alias game I popped in a random CD (the right music gives me special fast-driving powers).

My ears were quite glad that I'd popped my Beach Boys CD in, especially since sister and I were discussing our mutual love for them the other day. I've loved the Beach Boys since I was a little kid. In fact, I think they were my first musical love. I remember trying to go as a surfer for Halloween (I don't remember if I actually pulled that off … CO is always cold on Halloween and usually snowy). I remember listening to their tapes in my parents' cars. I'm sure my parents were relieved that I wasn't draggging them off to Ticket Master (land-of-all-that-is-unholy prime) to buy $100 New Kids on the Block tickets.

Now The Beach Boys bring to mind not only fun-in-the-sun, but also a very happy childhood. I still like to listen to them every now and again, cool or not. How can you be unhappy by listening to The Beach Boys??? You can't. We actually, I don't know that. But now that I think about it, I'm going to apply for a grant from the NSF to study Beach Boy music's effects on peoples levels of seratonin (what? the NSF gives grants to much stupider studies on a daily basis).