It's a Jungle Out There

Matt and I have had a very nice day. We've done the errand stuff … including finding me a $20 copy of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time at the used media store … and then we had a very long bike ride (rode all the way down town and back!). And then to cap it off, we had a nice little relaxation at the pool … with some swimming, snacking and sunning.

As we were on our way back to our apartment, we were swarmed (and I mean SWARMED) by mosquitos!!! Arrgh! We made a run for it. And Matt got mad. So as soon as he was able, he put on long sleeves and pants, picked up his bug zapper racket and went mosquito hunting. He's still out there. He had to come back for a fresh set of batteries. And I quote: “You should see how many I'm killing!” Yep. This means war.

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