Pregnancy Casserole

OK, so we all know that weird things come along with pregnancy … and for me it's not been cravings so much as aversions. Strong aversions. The biggest one is to veggies. I used to have a spinach salad with lunch almost every day. The thought now repulses me. I used to be able to eat some nice steamed asparagus or broccoli or whatever with any meal. No more. Practically the only veggies I like still are baby carrots or zucchini (in small amounts). The only way I will really eat my veggies is if they're carefully hidden under carbs or cheese.

Of course, being pregnant, nutrition wise, I really need to eat my veggies, so what a crummy time to develop an aversion to them! So to those ends, I created the pregnancy casserole. It ain't gourmet. And it certainly won't win any nutritional awards (though all things considered, it could be a lot worse!), but it's quick, contains a relatively high ration of veggies to bad stuff and I find it to be yummy. Though I'm not certain that those without elevated hormones would agree. Whatever. Check it out anyhow.


OK, first off, how cool is it that the computer randomly picked that MOTD to repeat on Talk Like a Pirate Day (which I wouldn't have even known about if it weren't for Shannon). But it made me laugh.

I have really nothing to post about today because other than spending an abbreviated day at work, not a lot happened yesterday. I went to the OB again … they screwed up my appointment so that I had the same appointment I had last time, basically. I got to hear the heart beat again, so that was cool.

I should have gone back to work after my appointment, but I hadn't planned on it, so I went on home figuring I could use the time to do some of the 100 things I want to do but seldom have time for … but as soon as I got home, the sinus headache I'd been working on all day decided to go from like a 2 to a 12 and *nothing* I did could convince it to go away. So I spent pretty much all evening lying in bed listening to a book on MP3 and moaning. Loki thought I was incredibly boring. He didn't get walkies … in fact, he barely got dinner.

Before I finally decided to give up and just go to bed (around 8:20), I took my prenatal vitamin, a benedryl and a tylenol. When Matt called at 10:30 my headache was still there. When I got up to pee at 12:10, it was still there. But when I got up to pee again at 1:42, it was gone. And so far, it's stayed away.

And now I've got to work late to make up the time I wasn't here yesterday … See? I should have just come back to work and felt miserable here.

*whine ended*


Taken (almost) verbatim from an IM conversation with my darling hubby yesterday afternoon”

matt: you back
jess: hi
jess: did you pick up any mini snickers by any chance ?
jess: i'm totally jonesing for them
jess: the ones with almonds
matt: no
matt: sorry
jess: i talked myself out of them when i went to the store yesterday
jess: along with chips and more bean dip
matt: poor baby
matt: we'l get some for you
jess: i should prolly be good ….
jess: i miss you!!
jess: i also want pita chips.
jess: and hummus
jess: why didn't you call me when you were at wild oats so i could make unreasonable demands?!?!?!
matt: I did
matt: I tried both your numbers
jess: well dammnit